Military History
Showing 701–800 of 1444 resultsSorted by popularity
Voices of the Confederate Navy
Jefferson Davis’s Flight from Richmond
The Civil War in the Jackson Purchase, 1861–1862
Franz Joseph and Elisabeth
The Civil War on Pensacola Bay, 1861–1862
Flying the B-26 Marauder Over Europe
The 7th Tennessee Infantry in the Civil War
President Lincoln’s Recruiter
Grenville Mellen Dodge in the Civil War
Bucking the Railroads on the Kansas Frontier
Redcoats on the Cape Fear
Miklós Radnóti
Small Arms for Urban Combat
“I Will Shoot Them from My Loving Heart”
Sale! -
The USS Ward
585 Raids and Counting
The Fight for the Yazoo, August 1862–July 1864
“The Women Will Howl”
Alexander “Fighting Elleck” Hays
The Fortifications of Paris
American Indian Wars
Final Hours in the Pacific
The Mississippi River Campaign, 1861–1863
The Sonarman’s War
The Battle of Fair Oaks
The Confederacy’s Last Northern Offensive
Words of the Founding Fathers
Sale! -
Glory Was Not Their Companion
Veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan
Cape Fear Confederates
Joining the United States Navy
Joining the United States Coast Guard
Korean Battle Chronology
Sale! -
“Burning Rails as We Pleased”
The USS Carondelet
Combat Operations of the Korean War
Fear Itself
Genocide and Rescue in Wolyn
Fitz-John Porter, Scapegoat of Second Manassas
Aircraft Record Cards of the United States Air Force
Flying Flak Alley
The Fifty-Eighth North Carolina Troops
Stephen R. Bradley
The Intelligence War in Latin America, 1914–1922
The 149th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry Unit in the Civil War
Wilson’s Cavalry Corps
Hollywood War Films, 1937–1945
Matt W. Ransom, Confederate General from North Carolina
Konoe Fumimaro and the Failure of Peace in Japan, 1937–1941
How Roosevelt Failed America in World War II
I Was a Teenager in the American Revolution
Chickamauga, Andersonville, Fort Sumter and Guard Duty at Home
Hitler Sites
Medicine and the American Revolution
Major General Isaac Ridgeway Trimble
Last Man Out
Baseball’s Western Front
Sale! -
Watching M*A*S*H, Watching America
American Revolutionary War Sites, Memorials, Museums and Library Collections
Vietnam Battle Chronology
Black Union Soldiers in the Civil War
The Old Breed of Marine
Daniel “Chappie” James
Praise the Lord and Pass the Penicillin
Sale! -
African Americans and ROTC
Gunboat on the Yangtze
Custer and the Battle of the Little Bighorn
Secret Allies in the Pacific
Sale! -
Chippewa Chief in World War II
Enduring What Cannot Be Endured
Doctor Danger Forward
What’s a Commie Ever Done to Black People?
Merchant Marine Survivors of World War II
The American Expeditionary Force in World War I
The Forgotten Axis
The British Army in Mesopotamia, 1914–1918
Gettysburg as the Generals Remembered It
Stephen Russell Mallory
Recon Trooper
Abner Doubleday
The Viet Kieu in America
The Boys of Adams’ Battery G
Black American Military Leaders
Survival Artist
The Polish Deportees of World War II
Lens of an Infantryman
Against the Panzers
Edward A. Wild and the African Brigade in the Civil War
Hiram Iddings Bearss, U.S. Marine Corps
Sale! -
The Telegraph
Pucker Factor 10
Showing 701–800 of 1444 resultsSorted by popularity