American Civil War
Showing 1–100 of 420 results
The Nashville and Decatur in the Civil War
The Eighth Connecticut Volunteer Infantry in the Civil War
Movements and Positions in the Battle of Kennesaw Mountain
Confederates from Canada
Civil War Scoundrels and the Texas Cotton Trade
Boy General of the 11th Alabama
The Civil War in the South Carolina Lowcountry
Southern Cross
Sons of East Tennessee
Abraham Lincoln and His Times
Treasure and Empire in the Civil War
Hoosier Spies and Horse Marines
The 117th New York Infantry in the Civil War
More Than Just Grit
The USS Cairo
Funny Thing About the Civil War
Colonels in Blue—U.S. Colored Troops, U.S. Armed Forces, Staff Officers and Special Units
“An Arch Rebel Like Myself”
Sale! -
Longstreet at Gettysburg
The Confederate Navy Medical Corps
The 72nd New York Infantry in the Civil War
Opdycke’s Tigers in the Civil War
The Boys of Diamond Hill
Chicago to Appomattox
Sale! -
The River Batteries at Fort Donelson
Union Warriors at Sunset
Lincoln’s Lost Colony
Writings of a Rebel Colonel
General Custer, Libbie Custer and Their Dogs
Tar Heels in Gray
Chasing Mosby, Killing Booth
Confederate Casualties at Gettysburg
The 25th North Carolina Troops in the Civil War
The Women of City Point, Virginia, 1864–1865
Sale! -
Brandy Station, Virginia, June 9, 1863
The 96th Pennsylvania Volunteers in the Civil War
Righting the Longstreet Record at Gettysburg
When Emancipation Came
North Carolina Civil War Monuments
Colonels in Blue—Missouri and the Western States and Territories
“Don’t tell father I have been shot at”
The 55th North Carolina in the Civil War
The Mobile & Ohio Railroad in the Civil War
That Bloody Hill
The Red River Campaign and Its Toll
Colonels in Blue—Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin
Chasing Jeb Stuart and John Mosby
The Civil War Roster of Davidson County, North Carolina
Union Casualties at Gettysburg
“Bully for the Band!”
The Second Vermont Volunteer Infantry Regiment, 1861–1865
Drummer Boy Willie McGee, Civil War Hero and Fraud
The Army of Tennessee in Retreat
The 30th North Carolina Infantry in the Civil War
The Last Civil War Veterans
Confederate Naval Forces on Western Waters
The 11th Wisconsin in the Civil War
Paperback Edition -
The Confederate Yellow Fever Conspiracy
The 36th Infantry United States Colored Troops in the Civil War
Confederate Veterans in Northern California
Sale! -
The 6th Michigan Volunteer Infantry in the Civil War
Confederate Ironclads at War
A Bloody Day at Gaines’ Mill
William Edmondson “Grumble” Jones
Stuart’s Tarheels
Military Leadership Lessons of the Charleston Campaign, 1861–1865
Rhode Island’s Civil War Hospital
Colonels in Blue—Michigan, Ohio and West Virginia
Louisianians in the Western Confederacy
The 111th New York Volunteer Infantry
To Petersburg with the Army of the Potomac
The 4th North Carolina Cavalry in the Civil War
Lincoln’s Banner Regiment
The Longest Siege
After Vicksburg
American Zouaves, 1859–1959
The Union Cavalry and the Chickamauga Campaign
The Cavalry of the Army of the Cumberland
Civil War Battlefield Orders Gone Awry
Guerrilla Warfare in Civil War Missouri, Volume I, 1862
The Union Prison at Fort Delaware
The Confederates of Chappell Hill, Texas
A Pictorial History of the Confederacy
The Battle of Olustee, 1864
The Confederate Surrender at Greensboro
The Men of the 16th Massachusetts
The Key to the Shenandoah Valley
South Carolinians in the Battle of Gettysburg
The Cavalries in the Nashville Campaign
British Blockade Runners in the American Civil War
Civil War Taxes
The Vermont Brigade in the Seven Days
Showing 1–100 of 420 results