Jewish Studies
Showing all 98 results
Surviving Theresienstadt
The International Medical Relief Corps in Wartime China, 1937–1945
Hebrew Hammer
Holocaust Cinema Complete
The Sound of Hope
Abe Saperstein and the American Basketball League, 1960–1963
Barney Dreyfuss
Emanuel Lasker, Volume 3
Henry Alsberg
When Scotland Was Jewish
Reuben Fine
The Upper Room and Tomb of David
The Fighting Times of Abe Attell
Bound for Theresienstadt
From Omaha Beach to Nuremberg
The Mossad
Jews in American Agriculture
Aron Nimzowitsch
Paperback Edition -
Lincoln’s Jewish Spy
Kvetching and Shpritzing
Elie Wiesel
Synagogue Song
Women Writers of Yiddish Literature
Superheroes and Their Ancient Jewish Parallels
Jews on Broadway
Jewish Aviators in World War II
Daughters of God, Subordinates of Men
American Jewish Films
Miklós Radnóti
Jewish Major Leaguers in Their Own Words
The Fantastic in Holocaust Literature and Film
The Sephardic Jews of Spain and Portugal
Else Lasker-Schüler
The Jewish Story Finder
Survival Artist
Jews and Baseball
Modern Hebrew
Elie Wiesel and the Art of Storytelling
Left Behind in Nazi Vienna
As I Was Burying Comrade Stalin
Jews and Baseball
The Jew in Christian Theology
Sheltered from the Swastika
Graphic Details
The Jewish Revolts Against Rome, A.D. 66–135
Memorial Books of Eastern European Jewry
Wannsee House and the Holocaust
The Jews of Italy, 1938–1945
A History of the Middle East
The Jews in Colonial America
Imagery from Genesis in Holocaust Memoirs
Caledonian Jews
My Darkest Years
Children of the American Jewish Ghetto
New 2024 Pre-Order -
War, Revolution and Remembrance in World Cinema
Lost to the Shoah
We Who Lived
Saul Bellow
Music in the Hebrew Bible
Spanish Attitudes Toward Judaism
Sexual Abuse, Shonda and Concealment in Orthodox Jewish Communities
Nine Lives of Israel
Echoes of the Holocaust on the American Musical Stage
Music in Jewish Thought
The Jewish World of Sigmund Freud
Watching Communism Fail
Jewish Genetic Disorders
The Way Jews Lived
Four Paths to Jerusalem
Pius XII, the Holocaust and the Revisionists
Richard Wagner and the Jews
Sephardic Identity
Sophie Tucker
Poland’s Holocaust
Showing all 98 results