Popular Culture & Performing Arts
Showing 901–1000 of 2887 resultsSorted by popularity
The Harry Potter Generation
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The Politics of Race, Gender and Sexuality in The Walking Dead
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Movie Magick
Gay Icons
I Am Legend as American Myth
Women in STEM on Television
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Apocalyptic Visions in 21st Century Films
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Writing and the Body in Motion
Buster Keaton in His Own Time
The Subversive Zombie
Exploring Picard’s Galaxy
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Becoming John Wayne
Scientifical Americans
For the Gay Stage
Paper Dolls
Funny Thing About Murder
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They Left Their Hearts in San Francisco
Joss Whedon Versus the Corporation
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Jews on Broadway
Doctor Who and History
Jean Negulesco
Coppola’s Monster Film
Italian Sword and Sandal Films, 1908–1990
Single Season Sitcoms of the 1980s
Klaus Kinski, Beast of Cinema
Down from the Attic
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Unsung Hollywood Musicals of the Golden Era
Marvel’s Black Widow from Spy to Superhero
Loving Vampires
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Women in Game of Thrones
The Monomyth in American Science Fiction Films
Zombies and Sexuality
Joan Davis
Houses of Noir
Glimpses of Phoenix
A Guide to Television’s Mayberry R.F.D.
Harpo Marx as Trickster
The Star Shiner
Remaking Horror
Synagogue Song
Theda Bara
Space Patrol
Mourning Films
Screwball Comedy and Film Noir
Downtown Chicago’s Historic Movie Theatres
Generation Zombie
The Lambs Theatre Club
Syd Chaplin
The Literary Angel
Animation Under the Swastika
The Audio Theater Guide
The Cinema of Tsui Hark
Women Composers of Classical Music
Alex North, Film Composer
Buffy Meets the Academy
Hitchcock’s Objects as Subjects
Waging The War of the Worlds
Feature Films, 1950–1959
The Airwaves of New York
Nazi Propaganda Films
Horror at the Drive-In
Science Fiction Serials
Bad Boys
Edgar G. Ulmer
Harry Langdon
Buffy Goes Dark
American Science Fiction Television Series of the 1950s
Sid and Marty Krofft
John Ford in Focus
I Was a Teenage Movie Maker
The Influence of Star Trek on Television, Film and Culture
Ford Sterling
Hollywood and the O.K. Corral
The Republic Pictures Checklist
Following The Fugitive
P.G. Wodehouse and Hollywood
Flower Drum Songs
Prehistoric Humans in Film and Television
Kay Francis
The Rise of Radio, from Marconi through the Golden Age
Suicide in the Entertainment Industry
A Reference Guide to Television’s Bonanza
Last of the Cowboy Heroes
Spaghetti Westerns—the Good, the Bad and the Violent
The Bristol Sessions
Jeff Chandler
Sale! -
The Bob Hope Films
Robert M. Young
Showing 901–1000 of 2887 resultsSorted by popularity