Military History
Showing 1001–1100 of 1444 resultsSorted by popularity
Strategies of North and South
Sale! -
Hollywood and the Military Bureaucracy
Chronology of the American Revolution
Paperback Edition -
Inside the Spanish-American War
Nazi Films in America, 1933–1942
The American Eagle Squadrons of the Royal Air Force
Sale! -
Eisenhower’s Nuclear Calculus in Europe
Sale! -
After Valkyrie
Rebel Guerrillas
The Loyalist Conscience
The Mistaken History of the Korean War
The Rhetoric of Lincoln’s Letters
Sale! -
Counterinsurgency and the United States Marine Corps
Sale! -
W.D. Ehrhart in Conversation
Sale! -
Brigadier General Robert L. McCook and Colonel Daniel McCook, Jr.
Reassessing Pearl Harbor
The Rhodesian Air Force in Zimbabwe’s War of Liberation, 1966–1980
McClellan and the Union High Command, 1861–1863
Sale! -
A Semester in the Sandbox
Captaining the Corps d’Afrique
The IRA Bombing Campaign Against Britain, 1939–1940
Sale! -
Elizabethan Espionage
G.S. Isserson and the War of the Future
The Private Life of General Omar N. Bradley
The Comic Art of War
Contagion in Prussia, 1831
The United States Army in China, 1900–1938
United States Army Aviators’ Equipment, 1917–1945
Inside the Bataan Death March
Submarine Torpedo Tactics
The Fighting Fifteenth Alabama Infantry
The Seventh Rhode Island Infantry in the Civil War
New Perceptions of the Vietnam War
Developing National Power in Space
Sale! -
American Airman in the Belgian Resistance
Stormy Escape
Virginia in the War Years, 1938–1945
Hero of Fort Schuyler
Medieval Armies and Weapons in Western Europe
“Death does seem to have all he can attend to”
Hitler’s Stormtroopers and the Attack on the German Republic, 1919–1933
The Great Missouri Raid
At the Helm of USS America
I Walk Through the Valley
Pearl Harbor
Too Young the Heroes
Vietnam at 24 Frames a Second
Sale! -
The Aleut Internments of World War II
George Owen Squier
“In her hour of sore distress and peril”
Sale! -
The Alienated War Veteran in Film and Literature
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A Rogue’s Life
Projecting Britain at War
Sale! -
Surviving Andersonville
The Army of the Potomac
The Civil War Papers of Lt. Colonel Newton T. Colby, New York Infantry
Sale! -
The Battle Rifle
Sale! -
Thirteen Months at Manassas/Bull Run
Theophilus Hunter Holmes
The Trojan War
Scapegoat of Shiloh
Forgotten Allies
Thomas J. Wood
Sheltered from the Swastika
Sale! -
Visconti and the German Dream
Sale! -
Wars of Latin America, 1982–2013
Ending the Civil War
The 48th Pennsylvania in the Battle of the Crater
The London Confederates
The 124th New York State Volunteers in the Civil War
Vietnam War Films
In the Shadow of Vietnam
World War II U.S. Navy Vessels in Private Hands
Echoes of the Holocaust on the American Musical Stage
Showing 1001–1100 of 1444 resultsSorted by popularity