Popular Culture & Performing Arts
Showing 2301–2400 of 2887 resultsSorted by popularity
Soap Opera Confidential
Japanese Film and the Floating Mind
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Legends of Disco
Internet Children’s Television Series, 1997–2015
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Queer TV in the 21st Century
The Third Reich on Screen, 1929–2015
Elvis Presley, Richard Nixon and the American Dream
Feminist Perspectives on Orange Is the New Black
Eleonora Duse and Cenere (Ashes)
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Text & Presentation, 2016
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Text & Presentation, 2015
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Now with Kung Fu Grip!
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Brun Campbell
Confessions of a Serial Biographer
Fifty Shades and Popular Culture
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Anne Bancroft
Philip Seymour Hoffman
Movie Comedians of the 1950s
Beckett in Popular Culture
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Women on Southern Stages, 1800–1865
The Vampire in Folklore, History, Literature, Film and Television
From Here to Hogwarts
Make Movies That Make Money!
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Opening Carnegie Hall
The Ecological Eugene O’Neill
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Her Turn on Stage
Internet Lesbian and Gay Television Series, 1996–2014
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Spartacus in the Television Arena
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Genius on Television
Internet Comedy Television Series, 1997–2015
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Music in Our Lives
The Films of Alan Parker, 1976–2003
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Masculinity in Breaking Bad
Brazilian Theater, 1970–2010
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Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Film Sequels, Series and Remakes
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The Adulteress on the Spanish Stage
Nora Ephron
Jazz on My Mind
Mickey Rooney
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What to Listen For in Opera
Internet Drama and Mystery Television Series, 1996–2014
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The Villainous Stage
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A/V A to Z
The Spark of Fear
Monsters and Monstrosity from the Fin de Siècle to the Millennium
Masculinity in the Golden Age of Swedish Cinema
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Text & Presentation, 2014
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The Movies in the Age of Innocence, 3d ed.
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Internet Horror, Science Fiction and Fantasy Television Series, 1998–2013
Forgotten Leading Ladies of the American Theatre
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Ria Mooney
Carlo Gozzi
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Satyric and Heroic Mimes
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The Reel Cowboy
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Appropriating Hemingway
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Celebrity Health Narratives and the Public Health
Romanian New Wave Cinema
Intimacy in Cinema
The Wire and America’s Dark Corners
Text & Presentation, 2013
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Calypso and Other Music of Trinidad, 1912–1962
The Artemis Archetype in Popular Culture
Myth in the Modern World
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The Creation of the Cowboy Hero
The 9/11 Novel
Music in the Hebrew Bible
Revolutionary Mexico on Film
Broadway Actors in Films, 1894–2015
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The Shadow Self in Film
Woody Allen’s Angst
George Cukor
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The Essence of Chaplin
The Sexy Science of The Big Bang Theory
The Defiant One
The Man Who Made the Jailhouse Rock
The Multiple Worlds of Fringe
Synesthesia and the Arts
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Robert Downey Jr. from Brat to Icon
Cinema and Its Discontents
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The Theater of Terrence McNally
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Women and Fitness in American Culture
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Lady Gaga and the Remaking of Celebrity Culture
Showing 2301–2400 of 2887 resultsSorted by popularity