Showing 901–1000 of 1681 results
The Californios
Savages and Saints
Virginians Will Dance or Die!
The IRA Bombing Campaign Against Britain, 1939–1940
Elizabethan Espionage
G.S. Isserson and the War of the Future
The Collapse and Recovery of Europe, AD 476–1648
The Nixon White House Redecoration and Acquisition Program
The Comic Art of War
Typhoid Fever
Contagion in Prussia, 1831
The United States Army in China, 1900–1938
United States Army Aviators’ Equipment, 1917–1945
Georgian Trick Riders in American Wild West Shows, 1890s–1920s
Miss Mary’s Money
Submarine Torpedo Tactics
John Wilkes Booth: Day by Day
African Placenames
The Seventh Rhode Island Infantry in the Civil War
New Perceptions of the Vietnam War
Placenames of Russia and the Former Soviet Union
Stormy Escape
Virginia in the War Years, 1938–1945
Medieval Armies and Weapons in Western Europe
America Writes Its History, 1650–1850
The 104th Field Artillery Regiment of the New York National Guard, 1916–1919
Hitler’s Stormtroopers and the Attack on the German Republic, 1919–1933
Roots of Ancient Greek Civilization
The Great Missouri Raid
Evidence of Arthur
At the Helm of USS America
I Walk Through the Valley
Pearl Harbor
Encyclopedia of American Communes, 1663–1963
Women Champions of Human Rights
The Art and Practice of Western Medicine in the Early Nineteenth Century
Too Young the Heroes
The Aleut Internments of World War II
Panic Scrip of 1893, 1907 and 1914
The Alienated War Veteran in Film and Literature
Projecting Britain at War
Cholera in Detroit
Emily D. West and the “Yellow Rose of Texas” Myth
Surviving Andersonville
The Army of the Potomac
The Battle Rifle
Women of Lebanon
The Trojan War
Scapegoat of Shiloh
The Underground Railroad in DeKalb County, Illinois
Forgotten Allies
Indian Placenames in America
Thomas J. Wood
John Lloyd Stephens and Frederick Catherwood
Florence Nightingale, Feminist
Sheltered from the Swastika
Visconti and the German Dream
Wars of Latin America, 1982–2013
Ending the Civil War
Shapers of Early Christianity
The London Confederates
The Irish-American Dynamite Campaign
Transnationalism in Ancient and Medieval Societies
The 124th New York State Volunteers in the Civil War
Thomas Jefferson
In the Shadow of Vietnam
Showing 901–1000 of 1681 results