Showing 1401–1500 of 1653 resultsSorted by popularity
Heartland of the Imagination
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Characters and Plots in the Fiction of James M. Cain
Aesop and the Imprint of Medieval Thought
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Investigating Heroes
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Getting Published in the Humanities
Bloody Italy
Stephen King
The Millennial Detective
The Twilight Mystique
W.H. Auden Encyclopedia
An Edwin Arlington Robinson Encyclopedia
Religious Allusion in the Poetry of Gwendolyn Brooks
Making the Detective Story American
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Leslie Marmon Silko
Cities of the Maya in Seven Epochs, 1250 B.C. to A.D. 1903
Gothic Realities
Characters and Plots in the Fiction of Raymond Chandler
The Psychopathology of the Gothic Romance
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The Mind of Italo Calvino
Text & Presentation, 2010
Aldous Huxley and the Search for Meaning
David Bottoms
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Text & Presentation, 2009
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A Violent Conscience
Christopher Isherwood Encyclopedia
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Cinema Arthuriana
Clues: A Journal of Detection, Vol. 27, No. 2 (Fall 2009)
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Masks and Masking
Willie Morris
Millennial Mythmaking
Eugene O’Neill and His Early Contemporaries
Beautiful Boredom
Nabokov’s Cinematic Afterlife
Clues: A Journal of Detection, Vol. 27, No. 1 (Spring 2009)
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Watchmen as Literature
Congregational Hymns from the Poetry of John Greenleaf Whittier
E.X. Ferrars
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Arthurian Figures of History and Legend
Dictionary of Pseudonyms
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Text & Presentation, 2008
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Northrop Frye
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Women in the Spanish Novel Today
Cult Telefantasy Series
William Gaddis, “The Last of Something”
Words to Measure a War
Science Fiction and the Two Cultures
Clues: A Journal of Detection, Vol. 26, No. 4 (Winter 2008)
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Truman Capote Encyclopedia
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Clues: A Journal of Detection, Vol. 26, No. 3 (Fall 2008)
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Martha Grimes Walks Into a Pub
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Stephen R. Donaldson and the Modern Epic Vision
The Making of T.S. Eliot
Intimate Exposure
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Beyond Adaptation
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The Long Life of Evangeline
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Clues: A Journal of Detection, Vol. 26, No. 2 (Summer 2008)
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Literary Afterlife
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Crime Scene Spain
Melville and the Theme of Boredom
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Peter Carey
Clues: A Journal of Detection, Vol. 26, No. 1 (Spring 2008)
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The Fabric of American Literary Realism
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Charles Chesnutt Reappraised
The Influence of Mysticism on 20th Century British and American Literature
Dancing in the Flames
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Literally Entitled
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The Anatomy of Utopia
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Iris Murdoch and the Moral Imagination
Reading Edith Wharton Through a Darwinian Lens
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Science and Technology in World History, Volume 1
The American Novel of War
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The Teenage Tarzan
Minette Walters and the Meaning of Justice
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Lesbian Romance Novels
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Marcia Muller and the Female Private Eye
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Lilith in a New Light
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Psychoanalytic Responses to Children’s Literature
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The Science of Fiction and the Fiction of Science
The Rockies in First Person
James Still in Interviews, Oral Histories and Memoirs
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The Poetry of Thom Gunn
Dreams and Nightmares
Huxley’s Brave New World: Essays
The Black Renaissance in Francophone African and Caribbean Literatures
Mark Twain’s Travel Literature
Lou von Salomé
Jamaica Kincaid
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Heroes, Gods and the Role of Epiphany in English Epic Poetry
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Motherlove in Shades of Black
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Stirring the Pot
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The Fiction of George Gissing
Anthony Boucher
Showing 1401–1500 of 1653 resultsSorted by popularity