Showing 1501–1600 of 1600 resultsSorted by popularity
Screen Sirens Scream!
Sale! -
Millennial Mythmaking
Westerns and the Trail of Tradition
Clues: A Journal of Detection, Vol. 27, No. 1 (Spring 2009)
Print Back Issue -
Watchmen as Literature
E.X. Ferrars
Sale! -
Monster Parties and Games
Women in the Civil War
Large Print Edition -
Cult Telefantasy Series
The Deep End of South Park
Science Fiction and the Two Cultures
Clues: A Journal of Detection, Vol. 26, No. 4 (Winter 2008)
Print Back Issue -
Clues: A Journal of Detection, Vol. 26, No. 3 (Fall 2008)
Print Back Issue -
Martha Grimes Walks Into a Pub
Sale! -
Stephen R. Donaldson and the Modern Epic Vision
Phantom Variations
Currents of Comedy on the American Screen
Sale! -
Forties Film Funnymen
Clues: A Journal of Detection, Vol. 26, No. 2 (Summer 2008)
Print Back Issue -
Crime Scene Spain
Clues: A Journal of Detection, Vol. 26, No. 1 (Spring 2008)
Print Back Issue -
The Anatomy of Utopia
Sale! -
The Films of Johnny Depp
Sale! -
The Making of Salem
Ladies of the Western
Large Print Edition Sale! -
Terror Television
2-volume set, Paperback Edition -
American Silent Film Comedies
Sale! -
Minette Walters and the Meaning of Justice
Sale! -
Lesbian Romance Novels
Sale! -
Marcia Muller and the Female Private Eye
Sale! -
Lilith in a New Light
Sale! -
The Truth of Buffy
Espionage in the Ancient World
The Science of Fiction and the Fiction of Science
Dreams and Nightmares
Kings of the Jungle
Large Print Edition Sale! -
Anthony Boucher
It Didn’t Mean Anything
Sale! -
Movie Medievalism
The Shifting Definitions of Genre
The Monster Hunter in Modern Popular Culture
Sale! -
Hollywood Horror from the Director’s Chair
The Amazing Transforming Superhero!
Florida Crime Writers
Madness and the Loss of Identity in Nineteenth Century Fiction
Horrifying Sex
The Players’ Realm
Pulp Magazine Holdings Directory
Remember with Advantages
John Ford’s Westerns
Stealing Through Time
The Transforming Draught
The Origins of the American Detective Story
Sale! -
Creating the Fictional Female Detective
Sale! -
The Art of Laurel and Hardy
Folktales Retold
Our Faith in Evil
Sale! -
Bram Stoker and Russophobia
Chicano Detective Fiction
Sale! -
Worlds Apart?
Mickey Rooney
Sale! -
The Doctor Who Error Finder
Booze and the Private Eye
The Scientifiction Novels of C.S. Lewis
Collecting Western Memorabilia
Sale! -
City and Shore
The Medieval Hero on Screen
The Gothic Other
African American Women and Sexuality in the Cinema
Crime Fighting Heroes of Television
Sale! -
Horror Film Stars, 3d ed.
The King Arthur Myth in Modern American Literature
Albert J. Luxford, the Gimmick Man
Smokin’ Rockets
The Independent Film Experience
Sale! -
Myth and Ritual in Women’s Detective Fiction
Sale! -
The Span of Mainstream and Science Fiction
Sale! -
The Gorehound’s Guide to Splatter Films of the 1960s and 1970s
PopLit, PopCult and The X-Files
Images of Fear
Soap Operas Worldwide
Approaching the Hunger Games Trilogy
Alan LeMay
Cyberpunk Women, Feminism and Science Fiction
Sexual Ideology in the Works of Alan Moore
Zombies Are Us
The Transgressive Iain Banks
Critical Perspectives on Philip Pullman’s His Dark Materials
Inside the Dark Tower Series
Demons of the Body and Mind
A Dick Francis Companion
Race and Religion in the Postcolonial British Detective Story
Sale! -
Western Gunslingers in Fact and on Film
Showing 1501–1600 of 1600 resultsSorted by popularity