Showing 1–100 of 261 resultsSorted by popularity
A Detective’s History of Psychology
Investigating Death in Paradise
The Giallo Canvas
Maigret, Simenon and France
Investigating Simenon
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Charles McGraw
Writing the Cozy Mystery
Mystery Movie Series of 1930s Hollywood
Mystery Movie Series of 1940s Hollywood
Chester Gould
Magic, Magicians and Detective Fiction
Early American Detective Stories
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Ghosts and Skeletons
E-Single -
In Lonely Places
William Powell
Hollywood’s Melodramatic Imagination
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Ngaio Marsh
The Saint
In Search of The Thin Man
Frederic Dannay, Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine and the Art of the Detective Short Story
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The Essence of Film Noir
The Sister Fidelma Mysteries
Agatha Christie
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle at the Cinema
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Storytelling in the Pulps, Comics, and Radio
Clues: A Journal of Detection, Vol. 38, No. 2 (Fall 2020)
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The Age of Dimes and Pulps
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Silent Mystery and Detective Movies
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Booking Hawaii Five-O
Cornell Woolrich from Pulp Noir to Film Noir
The Hardy Boys Mysteries, 1927–1979
Reading the Cozy Mystery
British Thrillers, 1950–1979
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Clues: A Journal of Detection, Vol. 38, No. 1 (Spring 2020)
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Ian Rankin
Encyclopedia of Weird Detectives
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The Darker Side of Slash Fan Fiction
Pulp Fiction to Film Noir
Quinn Martin, Producer
James Lee Burke and the Soul of Dave Robicheaux
The Charlie Chan Film Encyclopedia
The Dark Side of G.K. Chesterton
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Australian Crime Fiction
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Montana Gothic
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Mickey Spillane on Screen
Walter B. Gibson and The Shadow
Radio Mystery and Adventure and Its Appearances in Film, Television and Other Media
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Early Film Noir
The Truman Gumshoes
Medieval Crime Fiction
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Maigret’s World
Mystery Classics on Film
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Ken Follett and the Triumph of Suspense
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Radio Crime Fighters
Nancy Drew and Her Sister Sleuths
L.A. Noir
African American Mystery Writers
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Shirley Jackson
The CBS Radio Mystery Theater
Dorothy L. Sayers
Murder in a Few Words
The Supernatural and Fantastic in Short Detective Fiction
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Clues: A Journal of Detection, Vol. 37, No. 2 (Fall 2019)
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The Furies of Marjorie Bowen
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Torn between Two Genres
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Funny Thing About Murder
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Gender Bending Detective Fiction
Murder in the Closet
Clues: A Journal of Detection, Vol. 32, No. 1 (Spring 2014)
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Jolly Good Detecting
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The Mysteries of the Cities
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Clues: A Journal of Detection, Vol. 28, No. 1 (Spring 2010)
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Following The Fugitive
Dick Tracy and American Culture
British Women Mystery Writers
The Great Radio Heroes, rev. ed.
The Detective Novels of Agatha Christie
Robert Ryan
Clues: A Journal of Detection, Vol. 41, No. 1 (Spring 2023)
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God and the Great Detective
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Policing the Monstrous
The Best Murders Are British
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Morality and the Law in British Detective and Spy Fiction, 1880–1920
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Swedish Marxist Noir
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Blood on the Table
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“I Used to Be a Highbrow but Look at Me Now”
E-Single -
H.C. Bailey’s Reggie Fortune and the Golden Age of Detective Fiction
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The Ghost of One’s Self
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Clues: A Journal of Detection, Vol. 33, No. 2 (Fall 2015)
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Clues: A Journal of Detection, Vol. 32, No. 2 (Fall 2014)
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Roy Huggins
Encyclopedia of Early Television Crime Fighters
Dana Andrews
John Buchan
Showing 1–100 of 261 resultsSorted by popularity