Editorial Directory

Contacts for imprints, book series and journals are specified below.  Some subject areas of special interest are also noted.  McFarland welcomes proposals on a very wide range of subjects, and this list is therefore not comprehensive.  For imprints, book series and journals, the best practice is to send queries and proposals to the listed contact.  For books, feel free to direct your query or proposal to the attention of a specific editor, but it is best emailed to proposals@mcfarlandpub.com so that it is expedited into our proposal evaluation process.

Inquiries for our editorial department that do not propose a book should instead be directed to info@mcfarlandpub.com. Consult our Contact Us page for more options.


Email proposals@mcfarlandpub.com. Please do not submit a proposal to more than one editor.

Lisa Camp

Lisa Camp: psychology, sexuality






Elizabeth Foxwell

Elizabeth Foxwell: Book history, literary studies of mystery/detective/crime/spy fiction (including the McFarland Companions to Mystery Fiction), higher education, history, women’s history (especially women and war)





Robert Franklin

Robert Franklin: chess






Rhonda Herman

Rhonda Herman






Susan Kilby

Susan Kilby: Appalachian studies, criminology, true crime






Sophia Lyons

Sophia Lyons: LGBTQ+ topics, gender studies, library sciences, journalism and mass media, philosophy, memoir






Sophia Merow

Sophia Merow: history/philosophy of science/math, linguistics/language, sustainability, classics, religion in society







Layla Milholen

Layla Milholen: society and culture (including popular culture and gaming, especially), media studies, medieval studies, women’s studies






Gary Mitchem

Gary Mitchem: literary studies, sports (especially baseball)







Whitney Wallace

Whitney Wallace: hiking, death and dying, neurodivergence, homeschooling, natural history






Steve Wilson

Steve Wilson: automotive history, history of technology, motorsports, transportation







Send queries and proposals to the listed contact.

Lonnie Edge: Journal of Territorial and Maritime Studies

Elizabeth Foxwell: Clues: A Journal of Detection

Robert Hauptman: Journal of Information Ethics

Leslie Heaphy: Black Ball: New Research in African American Baseball History

Don Jensen: Base Ball: New Research on the Early Game

Yongho Kim: North Korean Review

Caroline Reitz: Clues: A Journal of Detection


Send queries and proposals to the listed contact.

Kyle William Bishop: Contributions to Zombie Studies

Lisa Camp: Exposit Books, Toplight Books

David Cicotello: McFarland Historic Ballparks

Brian Patrick Duggan: Dogs in Our World

Elizabeth Foxwell: McFarland Companions to Mystery Fiction

Matthew Wilhelm Kapell: Studies in Gaming

Susan Kilby: Contributions to Southern Appalachian Studies, Exposit Books

Larry Mazzeno: McFarland Companions to 19th Century Literature

Gary Mitchem: Great Teams in Pro Football HistoryMcFarland Companions to Young Adult Literature, McFarland Literary Companions

Elaine A. Moore: McFarland Health Topics

James M. Okapal: Ethics and Culture

Sherry Ginn: Critical Explorations in Science Fiction and Fantasy

C. W. Sullivan III: Critical Explorations in Science Fiction and Fantasy

Andy Terrick: McFarland Historic Ballparks