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Weekly Deal: Arthur, King of the Britons

This week, through May 14, 2017, get 20% off all books about King Arthur when you use the coupon code ARTHURIANA!

Warriors and Wilderness in Medieval Britain: From Arthur and Beowulf to Sir Gawain and Robin Hood

Religion in Britain from the Megaliths to Arthur: An Archaeological and Mythological Exploration

The Chivalric Romance and the Essence of Fiction

Chivalric Stories as Children’s Literature: Edwardian Retellings in Words and Pictures

The British Heroic Age: A History, 367–664

The Glory of Arthur: The Legendary King in Epic Poems of Layamon, Spenser and Blake

Perceval and Gawain in Dark Mirrors: Reflection and Reflexivity in Chrétien de Troyes’s Conte del Graal

Hengest, Gwrtheyrn and the Chronology of Post-Roman Britain

King Arthur’s European Realm: New Evidence from Monmouth’s Primary Sources

The Holy Grail on Film: Essays on the Cinematic Quest

Evidence of Arthur: Fixing the Legendary King in Factual Place and Time

Arthurian Animation: A Study of Cartoon Camelots on Film and Television

Origins of Arthurian Romances: Early Sources for the Legends of Tristan, the Grail and the Abduction of the Queen

Glastonbury and the Grail: Did Joseph of Arimathea Bring the Sacred Relic to Britain?

The Druids and King Arthur: A New View of Early Britain

Chrétien de Troyes and the Dawn of Arthurian Romance

Medieval Arthurian Epic and Romance: Eight New Translations

Cinema Arthuriana: Twenty Essays, rev. ed.

Historic Figures of the Arthurian Era: Authenticating the Enemies and Allies of Britain’s Post-Roman King

Arthurian Figures of History and Legend: A Biographical Dictionary

Arthurian Legends on Film and Television

Movie Medievalism: The Imaginary Middle Ages

The Historic King Arthur: Authenticating the Celtic Hero of Post-Roman Britain

Sir Gawain and the Classical Tradition: Essays on the Ancient Antecedents

The Grail Procession: The Legend, the Artifacts, and the Possible Sources of the Story

King Arthur in Popular Culture

The King Arthur Myth in Modern American Literature

The Holy Grail: The Legend, the History, the Evidence


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THROWBACK THURSDAY: King Arthur for the Classroom

It was fall semester 1991 that I acquired two prized possessions:  Pearl Jam’s Ten and the “gray King Arthur book.”  Ever since the one-of-a-kind Dr. Dennis J. McKevlin, Jr., taught his Arthurian Legends class at Western Carolina University, I’ve treasured the gray book.  We used Arthur, King of Britain: History, Chronicle, Romance & Criticism, with Texts in Modern English, from Gildas to Malory (edited by Richard L. Brengle, Prentice-Hall, 1964) as our sole textbook, though generously supplemented by notes and handouts from McKevlin.  For the majority of us, it was our first time encountering persons and works such as Bede, Nennius, Gildas, Wace, Layamon, The Mabignogion, and the Historia Regum Britanniae.  Now, William W. Kibler and R. Barton Palmer have brought us a very useful book for the classroom, Medieval Arthurian Epic and Romance: Eight New Translations.   The just published book offers new translations from Latin, Middle English and Old French of texts that exemplify the most important traditions of Arthurian literature in the Middle Ages.  On my bookshelf, this one is going to line up right beside the gray book!  — Karl-Heinz Roseman, Vice President, Sales and Marketing

For more about Medieval Arthurian Epic and Romance,  go to the book’s page in McFarland’s online catalog.  For teaching academics who would like to examine a copy for possible use in their classroom, use our exam copy request form.

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