Exposit Books

Exposit Books is an imprint of McFarland.  Exposit’s initial offering, Finding Jacob Wetterling by Robert M. Dudley, was released for fall 2016. The book covered in detail the 1989 kidnapping, the 27-year investigation and its heartbreaking conclusion. Exposit’s offerings since have likewise featured true crime topics, including Lambda Literary Award finalist Out for Queer Blood, which covered the New Orleans murder of Fernando Rios.  In addition to homicide and serial killers, other topics covered include heists, robberies, abductions, kidnappings, missing persons, con artists, hoaxes, deceptions, organized crime, espionage, and forensics. In addition to true crime, Exposit publishes books about sexuality, the paranormal, cryptozoology, death, gravehunting, conspiracies, forteana, dark fascinations and morbid curiosities.

Submitting Proposals to Exposit Books
Submissions from authors and literary agents are invited, and should be directed to executive editor Lisa Camp’s attention at expositbooks@mcfarlandpub.com.