Journal of Territorial and Maritime Studies, Vol. 6, No. 2 (Summer/Fall 2019)
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About the Book
Journal of Territorial and Maritime Studies is a peer reviewed, interdisciplinary journal that examines global territorial and maritime issues from a range of fields including geography, history, political science, international law, regional studies and peace studies. Founded by the Northeast Asian History Foundation, JTMS is under the editorship of Yonsei University, and is published twice each year in winter/spring and summer/fall issues.
Back issues are available to individuals for $30 and to institutions for $75, and are subject to availability. On our website, the individual price is the default. Institutions interested in purchasing back issues may order online (we will bill you the difference in price), contact your subscription agent, or contact McFarland at 800-253-2187 or
Bibliographic Details
Edited by Ajin Choi
Format: softcover (7 x 10)
Pages: 124
Bibliographic Info:
Copyright Date: 2019
ISSN 2288-6834
Table of Contents
Meaningful Responses to Unilateralism in Undelimited Maritime Areas 5
(Sandrine De Herdt)
The Future of Baselines as the Sea Level Rises: Guidance from Climate Change Law 27
(Michael J. Strauss)
The European Union and Counterterrorism in the Gulf of Guinea: Enough Is Not Enough 44
(Fru Norbert Suh I)
Floating Armories and Privately Contracted Armed Security Personnel on Board Ships: Balancing Coastal State Security Concerns Against Navigational Freedom 68
(Sindhura Natesha Polepalli)
China’s Indo- Pacific Strategy: The Problems of Success 94
(David Scott)
Book Reviews 114
Call for Papers and Style Guide 120