Journal of Territorial and Maritime Studies, Vol. 6, No. 1 (Winter/Spring 2019)

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About the Book

Journal of Territorial and Maritime Studies is a peer reviewed, interdisciplinary journal that examines global territorial and maritime issues from a range of fields including geography, history, political science, international law, regional studies and peace studies. Founded by the Northeast Asian History Foundation, JTMS is under the editorship of Yonsei University, and is published twice each year in winter/spring and summer/fall issues.
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Bibliographic Details

Edited by Ajin Choi

Format: softcover (7 x 10)
Pages: 100
Bibliographic Info:
Copyright Date: 2019
ISSN 2288-6834

Table of Contents



A South China Sea Regional Seas Convention: Transcending Soft Law and State Goodwill in Marine Environmental Governance?
(Alexis Ian P. Dela Cruz) 5

The Timor Sea Conciliation and Lessons for Northeast Asia in Resolving Maritime Boundary Disputes
(Natalie Klein) 30

Crimes Within Crimes in Somalia: Double- Dealing Pirates, Fraudulent Negotiators, Duplicitous Intermediaries and Treacherous Illegal Fishers
(Awet Tewelde Weldemichael) 51

An Overview of Arctic Legal Regime Regarding the Protection of the Marine Environment and Some Suggestions
(Ekrem Korkut and Lara B. Fowler) 64

Legal Approaches to Dry Cargo Liquefaction: An Arctic Perspective on a Global Problem
(Stefan Kirchner) 85

Call for Papers and Style Guide 96