Journal of Territorial and Maritime Studies, Vol. 4, No. 1 (Winter/Spring 2017)
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About the Book
Journal of Territorial and Maritime Studies is a peer reviewed, interdisciplinary journal that examines global territorial and maritime issues from a range of fields including geography, history, political science, international law, regional studies and peace studies. Founded by the Northeast Asian History Foundation, JTMS is under the editorship of Yonsei University, and is published twice each year in winter/spring and summer/fall issues.
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Bibliographic Details
Edited by Jungmin Seo
Format: softcover (7 x 10)
Pages: 120
Bibliographic Info:
Copyright Date: 2017
ISSN 2288-6834
Table of Contents
Sharks Need Protection and Surfers Want Security: The Recent Shark Control Program of La Réunion in the Context of the International Legal Framework
(Géraldine Giraudeau) 5
Historic Title Over Land and Maritime Territory
(Xuechan Ma) 31
Overcoming Territoriality Through Water Regime: The Case of the Lower Mekong (IMKL–IMLL)
(Michelle Rubido Palumbarit) 47
Conflicts, Names and Sea Space: A Review of the JJnd International Seminar on Sea Names
(Joshua Nash) 67
The Multi- Scalar Geographies of Place Naming: The Case of Cyprus
(Steven M. Radil) 72
Pitcairn Island, Island Toponymies and Fishing Ground Names: Toward the Possibility of a Peaceful Onshore and Offshore Reconciliation
(Joshua Nash) 86
The “One-Letter War”—or, How Skagerrak Became a Disputed Name
(Peder Gammeltoft) 97
Book Review 109
Call for Papers and Style Guide 117