Authentically Medieval

Authors and Scholars on Depicting the Middle Ages in Fiction

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About the Book

This collection compiles essays by medievalist scholars that examine the variety of ways authors have fictionalized the medieval period while meeting the challenge of creating engaging literature. More significantly, this project seeks to explore the importance of authenticity in these works of medievalism. The works discussed represent a variety of genres, including historical, young adult, Arthurian detective fiction, paranormal romance and fantasy, as well as adaptations of Beowulf and Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales.
Opening the collection are three essays by author-scholars who share their processes of creating an authentic medieval world appealing to a wide audience. The remaining seven essays by medievalist scholars examine a variety of medievalist texts, addressing the extent to which their authors adhere to the facts of the period, while at times necessarily filling in historical gaps in the process of creating these works. Each of the essays addresses the concept of authenticity in fiction about the Middle Ages; together, they become a lively conversation about authenticity in narratives of various genres.

About the Author(s)

Debra E. Best is a professor of English at California State University-Dominguez Hills.
Elizabeth L. Rambo is an associate professor of English at Campbell University.
Patricia H. Ward is a professor emerita at the College of Charleston.

Bibliographic Details

Edited by Debra E. Best, Elizabeth L. Rambo and Patricia H. Ward
Format: softcover (6 x 9)
Bibliographic Info: ca. 10 photos, notes, bibliography, index
Copyright Date: 2024
pISBN: 978-1-4766-8855-8
eISBN: 978-1-4766-5487-4
Imprint: McFarland