Trouble Breathing

How Asthma and COPD Work and What You Can Do


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Imprint or Series:McFarland Health Topics

About the Book

Breathing is so fundamental to life that the brain is hardwired so that when breathing is compromised for any reason, nothing else matters. Shortness of breath is an attention-getter, but when breathing problems become frequent, help is needed. Health care providers are there to help and prescribe medication that brings temporary relief, but many patients leave with unanswered questions about more permanent, long-lasting treatments or cures. This book guides respiratory patients toward having the most productive relationships with their doctors. A respiratory therapist (RRT), the author uses decades of clinical experience to outline how patients can be more active participants in their own medical care. With a better understanding of the right questions, more beneficial discussions with doctors will help fine-tune every individual’s medical care plan.

About the Author(s)

Registered Respiratory Therapist Jeff Fraser’s initial medical training was as a Navy Independent Duty Hospital Corpsman. This included a tour with a USMC Combined Action Platoon in Vietnam. As a civilian, he has worked all aspects of cardiopulmonary medicine from the new-born nursery to geriatrics. He recently retired after 47 years of direct patient care and lives in Orlando, Florida

Bibliographic Details

Jeff Fraser, RRT

Series Editor Elaine A. Moore

Format: softcover (6 x 9)
Pages: 207
Bibliographic Info: glossary, index
Copyright Date: 2022
pISBN: 978-1-4766-8610-3
eISBN: 978-1-4766-4498-1
Imprint: McFarland
Series: McFarland Health Topics

Table of Contents

Acknowledgments vi
Introduction 1
1. Breathing—How’s It Supposed to Work? 5
2. What’s the Difference Between COPD and Asthma? 16
3. Isn’t There a Pill for That? 27
4. How Do I Take This Breathing Medicine? 41
5. What Else Do I Need to Know About My Meds? 56
6. What’s the Deal with Oxygen? 68
7. Will I Always Have to Haul This O2 Tank Around with Me? 77
8. Do I Have to Learn to Breathe All Over Again? 87
9. How Can I Complete My Activities of Daily Living with Less Trouble? 96
10. How Does What I Eat and Drink Affect My Breathing? 105
11. How Can I Start an Exercise Program If I’m Having Trouble Breathing? 118
12. Why Are They Doing Those Awful Things to Me in ICU? 133
13. What About Other Common Breathing Problems? 141
14. What About Other ­Non-Infectious Problems? 156
15. Still Smoking After All These Years? 167
16. How Can I Put This All Together and Make It Work? 178
Glossary 183
Index 199