
Progressive Library Organizations

A Worldwide History

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About the Book

This work presents the history and impact of the seven most important progressive library organizations worldwide—in Austria, Germany, South Africa, Sweden, United Kingdom, and two in the United States. Each organization is considered within its national context, and in fact, the English word “organization” does not quite fit the nature of all of the groups. The South African organization, LIWO, was transitional in that it helped bring South African librarianship from apartheid to majority rule and then disbanded. The other organizations or their successors are still working in one form or another. Some of the organizations have had or continue to have vibrant local chapters, though many of the original activists have recently retired or died. The author has interviewed many of them at a time when they were assessing their life work, and handing off to new generations.

About the Author(s)

Alfred Kagan is a professor of Library Administration and African Studies Bibliographer Emeritus at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and has been deeply involved in socially responsible library organizations throughout his career. He lives in Champaign.

Bibliographic Details

Alfred Kagan
Format: softcover (7 x 10)
Pages: 308
Bibliographic Info: 46 photos, appendix, bibliography, index
Copyright Date: 2015
pISBN: 978-0-7864-6400-5
eISBN: 978-1-4766-1729-9
Imprint: McFarland

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Preface  1

1. South Africa: Library and Information Workers Organisation  (LIWO)  7

Appendix 1: Acronyms for LIWO Chapter 43; Appendix 2: LIWOLET Article Analysis 43; Appendix 3: LIWO Programs and Workshops 44; Notes 45; Bibliography 51

2. Sweden: Bibliotek i Samhälle (BiS) (Libraries in Society)  53

Appendix 1: Acronyms for BiS Chapter 76; Appendix 2: BiS Book Fair Seminars 77; Appendix 3: Analysis of BiS Journal Articles by Subject 77; Appendix 4: Countries Analysis of BiS Journal Articles 78; Notes 79; Bibliography 83

3. Germany: Arbeitskreis kritischer BibliothekarInnen (Akribie) (Working Group of Critical Librarians)  86

Appendix 1: Akribie Programs and Library Visits 99; Appendix 2: Akribie Open Letters and Surveys 102; Appendix 3: Analysis of Laurentius Journal Articles, 1988–2000 103; Appendix 4: German Library Organizations 104; Notes 104; Bibliography 106

4. Austria: Arbeitskreis kritischer Bibliothekarinnen und Bibliothekare im Renner-Institut (KRIBIBI) (Working Group of Critical Librarians in the Renner Institute)  109

Appendix: Acronyms for KRIBIBI Chapter 122; Notes 122;

Bibliography 123

5. United Kingdom: Information for Social Change (ISC)  126

Appendix 1: Acronyms for ISC Chapter 145; Appendix 2: ISC Journal Article Analysis 145; Appendix 3: Analysis of ISC

Occasional Papers  147; Notes 148; Bibliography 151

6. United States: Social Responsibilities Round Table of the American Library Association (SRRT)  153

Appendix 1: American Library Association Acronyms 210; Appendix 2: SRRT Task Forces 211; Appendix 3: SRRT Programs, Awards, Actions and Demonstrations 212; Appendix 4: SRRT Affiliates 218; Notes 219; Bibliography 233

7. United States: The Progressive Librarians Guild (PLG)  241

Appendix 1: PLG Initiated and Endorsed Statements, Resolutions, Petitions and Events 263; Appendix 2: Progressive Librarian Journal Analysis 265; Appendix 3: PLG Chapters 267; Notes 275; Bibliography 280

Appendix: Interviewees  283

Questionnaires  285

Index  287