Presidential Sheet Music
An Illustrated Catalogue of Published Music Associated with the American Presidency and Those Who Sought the Office
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About the Book
Political historians have traditionally interpreted the people and events of each presidential era by studying books, periodicals, letters, diaries and speeches. One source of printed material that has not received much scholarly attention is published music, much of which has been all but lost in the archives of libraries and museums. These two volumes of Presidential Sheet Music present an exhaustive listing of presidential-related music in all printed forms, with information on each piece.
About the Author(s)
Bibliographic Details
Danny O. Crew
Format: softcover (6 x 9 in 2 vols.)
Pages: 816
Bibliographic Info: 248 photos, appendix, bibliography, indexes
Copyright Date: 2009 [2001]
pISBN: 978-0-7864-4325-3
eISBN: 978-0-7864-5015-2
Imprint: McFarland
Table of Contents
(Candidates and Parties By Sheet Music Code)
Volume 1
Acknowledgments vii
Full Table of Contents (Candidates and Parties by Sheet Music Code) ix
Partial Table of Contents: Candidates and Parties in Order of Candidacy xi
Partial Table of Contents: Candidates and Parties Alphabetically xiii
Preface xv
Key to Symbols and Abbreviations xxi
Music and the Presidency: A Brief History 1
The Catalog of Sheet Music (Candidates and Parties by Sheet Music Code)
Alton B. Parker (ABP) 33
Alfred E. Smith (AES) 34
Andrew Jackson (AJK) 42
Andrew Johnson (AJN) 48
Abraham Lincoln (AL) 51
Alfred M. Landon (AML) 100
Anti-Masonic Party (AMP) 104
Adlai E. Stevenson II (AS) 104
Benjamin F. Butler (BFB) 106
Benjamin F. Harrison (BFH) 108
Barry M. Goldwater (BMG) 121
Chester A. Arthur (CAA) 122
Clinton B. Fisk (CBF) 124
Calvin Coolidge (CC) 124
Charles E. Hughes (CEH) 131
Communist Party (CP) 132
Douglas A. MacArthur (DAM) 132
Dwight D. Eisenhower (DDE) 138
Daniel Webster (DW) 150
De Witt Clinton (DWC) 153
Eugene V. Debs (EVD) 154
Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) 155
Franklin Pierce (FP) 199
George H.W. Bush (GB) 200
George B. McClellan (GBM) 201
(Stephen) Grover Cleveland (GC) 210
George C. Wallace (GCW) 227
Gerald R. Ford (GRF) 228
George S. McGovern (GSM) 229
George Washington (GW) 230
Henry A. Wallace (HAW) 295
Henry Clay (HC) 297
Herbert C. Hoover (HCH) 308
Horace Greeley (HG) 315
Hubert H. Humphrey (HHH) 319
Henry Krajewski (HK) 320
Horatio Seymour (HS) 320
Harry S Truman (HST) 322
John Adams ( JA) 326
James A. Garfield ( JAG) 329
James Buchanan ( JB) 341
John Bell ( JBL) 344
James Birney ( JBR) 345
James B. Weaver ( JBW) 346
John C. Breckenridge ( JCB) 348
John C. Fremont ( JCF) 348
Jefferson Davis ( JD) 353
James E. Carter ( JEC) 360
John F. Kennedy ( JFK) 361
James G. Blaine ( JGB) 370
John G. Schmitz ( JGS) 380
James K. Polk ( JKP) 381
Joshua Levering ( JL) 383
James M. Cox ( JMC) 383
James Madison ( JMD) 385
James Monroe ( JMN) 387
John M. Palmer ( JMP) 390
John Q. Adams ( JQA) 390
James R. Cox ( JRC) 391
Jacob S. Coxey ( JSC) 392
John St. John ( JSJ) 392
John Tyler ( JT) 393
John W. Davis ( JWD) 394
Lyndon B. Johnson (LBJ) 395
Lewis Cass (LC) 399
Lester G. Maddox (LGM) 400
Appendix: Publishers by City 660
Bibliography 710
Title Index 712
Composer Index 766
Volume 2
Millard Fillmore (MF) 401
Miscellaneous (MISC) 404
Michael S. Dukakis (MSD) 424
Martin Van Buren (MVB) 424
Nathaniel Banks (NB) 426
Neal Dow (ND) 426
Peter Cooper (PC) 427
Prohibition Party (PP) 427
Rutherford B. Hayes (RBH) 428
Robert M. La Follette (RML) 435
Richard M. Nixon (RMN) 436
Ross Perot (RP) 441
Ronald Reagan (RR) 441
Stephen A. Douglas (SAD) 446
Silas C. Swallow (SCS) 448
Samuel J. Tilden (SJT) 448
Socialist Labor Party (SLP) 451
Socialist Party (SP) 452
Thomas E. Dewey (TED) 453
Thomas Jefferson (TJ) 457
Theodore Roosevelt (TR) 465
Ulysses S. Grant (USG) 506
Walter F. Mondale (WFM) 535
Warren G. Harding (WGH) 535
William H. Harrison (WHH) 542
William H. Taft (WHT) 557
William J. Bryan (WJB) 564
William J. Clinton (WJC) 573
William Lemke (WL) 575
Wendell L. Willkie (WLW) 575
William McKinley (WM) 582
Winfield Scott (WS) 616
Winfield S. Hancock (WSH) 621
(Thomas) Woodrow Wilson (WW) 626
Zachary Taylor (ZT) 652
The Catalog of Sheet Music (Candidates and Parties in Order of Candidacy) Major Party Candidates
George Washington (GW) 230
John Adams ( JA) 326
Thomas Jefferson (TJ) 457
De Witt Clinton (DWC) 153
James Madison ( JMD) 385
James Monroe ( JMN) 387
John Q. Adams ( JQA) 390
Andrew Jackson (AJK) 42
Martin Van Buren (MVB) 424
William H. Harrison (WHH) 542
John Tyler ( JT) 393
Henry Clay (HC) 297
James K. Polk ( JKP) 381
Lewis Cass (LC) 399
Zachary Taylor (ZT) 652
Millard Fillmore (MF) 401
Winfield Scott (WS) 616
Franklin Pierce (FP) 199
John C. Fremont ( JCF) 348
James Buchanan ( JB) 341
Stephen A. Douglas (SAD) 446
George B. McClellan (GBM) 201
Abraham Lincoln (AL) 51
Andrew Johnson (AJN) 48
Horatio Seymour (HS) 320
Horace Greeley (HG) 315
Ulysses S. Grant (USG) 506
Samuel J. Tilden (SJT) 448
Rutherford B. Hayes (RBH) 428
Winfield S. Hancock (WSH) 621
James A. Garfield ( JAG) 329
Chester A. Arthur (CAA) 122
James G. Blaine ( JGB) 370
Benjamin F. Harrison (BFH) 108
(Stephen) Grover Cleveland (GC) 210
William J. Bryan (WJB) 564
William McKinley (WM) 582
Alton B. Parker (ABP) 33
Theodore Roosevelt (TR) 465
William H. Taft (WHT) 557
Charles E. Hughes (CEH) 131
(Thomas) Woodrow Wilson
(WW) 626
James M. Cox ( JMC) 383
Warren G. Harding (WGH) 535
John W. Davis ( JWD) 394
Calvin Coolidge (CC) 124
Alfred E. Smith (AES) 34
Herbert C. Hoover (HCH) 308
Partial Table of Contents (Candidates and Parties in Order of Candidacy)
Alfred M. Landon (AML) 100
Wendell L. Willkie (WLW) 575
Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) 155
Thomas E. Dewey (TED) 453
Harry S Truman (HST) 322
Adlai E. Stevenson II (AS) 104
Dwight D. Eisenhower (DDE) 138
John F. Kennedy ( JFK) 361
Barry M. Goldwater (BMG) 121
Lyndon B. Johnson (LBJ) 395
Hubert H. Humphrey (HHH) 319
George S. McGovern (GSM) 229
Richard M. Nixon (RMN) 436
Gerald R. Ford (GRF) 228
James E. Carter ( JEC) 360
Walter F. Mondale (WFM) 535
Ronald Reagan (RR) 441
Michael S. Dukakis (MSD) 424
George H.W. Bush (GB) 200
William J. Clinton (BC) 573
Minor Party Candidates
Anti-Masonic Party (AMP) 104
Daniel Webster (DW) 150
James Birney ( JBR) 345
John C. Breckenridge ( JCB) 348
John Bell ( JBL) 344
Jefferson Davis ( JD) 353
Nathaniel Banks (NB) 426
Peter Cooper (PC) 427
Socialist Labor Party (SLP) 451
Neal Dow (ND) 426
Benjamin F. Butler (BFB) 106
Clinton B. Fisk (CBF) 124
Prohibition Party (PP) 427
John St. John ( JSJ) 392
James B. Weaver ( JBW) 346
Joshua Levering ( JL) 383
Socialist Party (SP) 452
John M. Palmer ( JMP) 390
Silas C. Swallow (SCS) 448
Eugene V. Debs (EVD) 154
Robert M. La Follette (RML) 435
Jacob S. Coxey ( JSC) 392
James R. Cox ( JRC) 391
William Lemke (WL) 575
Communist Party (CP) 132
Henry A. Wallace (HAW) 295
Douglas A. MacArthur (DAM) 132
Henry Krajewski (HK) 320
George C. Wallace (GCW) 227
John G. Schmitz ( JGS) 380
Lester G. Maddox (LGM) 400
Ross Perot (RP) 441
Miscellaneous (MISC) 404
Ordered Table of Contents The Catalog of Sheet Music (Candidates and Parties Alphabetically)
Adams, John ( JA) 326
Adams, John Q. ( JQA) 390
Anti-Masonic Party (AMP) 104
Arthur, Chester A. (CAA) 122
Banks, Nathaniel (NB) 426
Bell, John ( JBL) 344
Birney, James ( JBR) 345
Blaine, James G. ( JGB) 370
Breckenridge, John C. ( JCB) 348
Bryan, William J. (WJB) 564
Buchanan, James ( JB) 341
Bush, George H.W. (GB) 200
Butler, Benjamin F. (BFB) 106
Carter, James E. ( JEC) 360
Cass, Lewis (LC) 399
Clay, Henry (HC) 297
Cleveland, (Stephen) Grover (GC)210
Clinton, William J. (WJC) 573
Clinton, De Witt (DWC) 153
Communist Party (CP) 132
Coolidge, Calvin (CC) 124
Cooper, Peter (PC) 427
Cox, James M. ( JMC) 383
Cox, James R. ( JRC) 391
Coxey, Jacob S. ( JSC) 392
Davis, Jefferson ( JD) 353
Davis, John W. ( JWD) 394
Debs, Eugene V. (EVD) 154
Dewey, Thomas E. (TED) 453
Douglas, Stephen A. (SAD) 446
Dow, Neal (ND) 426
Dukakis, Michael S. (MSD) 424
Eisenhower, Dwight D. (DDE) 138
Fillmore, Millard (MF) 400
Fisk, Clinton B. (CBF) 124
Ford, Gerald R. (GRF) 228
Fremont, John C. ( JCF) 348
Garfield, James A. ( JAG) 329
Goldwater, Barry M. (BMG) 121
Grant, Ulysses S. (USG) 506
Greeley, Horace (HG) 315
Hancock, Winfield S. (WSH) 621
Harding, Warren G. (WGH) 535
Harrison, Benjamin F. (BFH) 108
Harrison, William H. (WHH) 542
Hayes, Rutherford B. (RBH) 428
Hoover, Herbert C. (HCH) 308
Hughes, Charles E. (CEH) 131
Humphrey, Hubert H. (HHH) 319
Jackson, Andrew (AJK) 42
Jefferson, Thomas (TJ) 457
Johnson, Andrew (AJN) 48
Partial Table of Contents (Candidates and Parties Alphabetically)
Johnson, Lyndon B. (LBJ) 395
Kennedy, John F. ( JFK) 361
Krajewski, Henry (HK) 320
La Follette, Robert M.(RML) 435
Landon, Alfred M. (AML) 100
Lemke, William (WL) 575
Levering, Joshua ( JL) 383
Lincoln, Abraham (AL) 51
MacArthur, Douglas A. (DAM) 132
Maddox, Lester G. (LGM) 400
Madison, James ( JMD) 385
McClellan, George B. (GBM) 201
McGovern, George S. (GSM) 229
McKinley, William (WM) 582
Miscellaneous (MISC) 404
Mondale, Walter F. (WFM) 535
Monroe, James ( JMN) 387
Nixon, Richard M. (RMN) 436
Palmer, John M. ( JMP) 390
Parker, Alton P. (APB) 33
Perot, Ross (RP) 441
Pierce, Franklin (FP) 199
Polk, James K. ( JKP) 381
Prohibition Party (PP) 427
Reagan, Ronald (RR) 441
Roosevelt, Franklin D. (FDR) 155
Roosevelt, Theodore (TR) 465
St. John, John ( JSJ) 392
Schmitz, John G. ( JGS) 380
Scott, Winfield (WS) 616
Seymour, Horatio (HS) 320
Smith, Alfred E. (AES) 34
Socialist Labor Party (SLP) 451
Socialist Party (SP) 452
Stevenson II, Adlai E. (AS) 104
Swallow, Silas C. (SCS) 448
Taft, William H. (WHT) 557
Taylor, Zachary (ZT) 652
Tilden, Samuel J. (SJT) 448
Truman, Harry S (HST) 322
Tyler, John ( JT) 393
Van Buren, Martin (MVB) 424
Wallace, George C. (GCW) 227
Wallace, Henry A. (HAW) 295
Washington, George (GW) 230
Weaver, James B. ( JBW) 346
Webster, Daniel (DW) 150
Willkie, Wendell L. (WLW) 575
Wilson, (Thomas) Woodrow (WW) 626
Book Reviews & Awards
“Crew is a diligent historian who has created a unique, interesting book…can’t be ignored”—Classic Images; “recommended”—Booklist; “comprehensive”—C&RL News; “exhaustive”—Florida State Times.