Paper Sack Puppets

60+ Easy Patterns and Activities for Librarians, Teachers and Parents


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About the Book

Puppetry is an old and respected art form but it is also just plain fun. This book presents dozens of original patterns for a particular kind of puppet—those made from paper sacks. Those brown (or white) paper bags generations of students have used to tote lunch to school prove to be an inexpensive base on which to create puppets that can be used to teach as well as entertain. Along with the patterns are related activities, music, poems, book lists, and games.
Chock full of great ideas and clear instructions, the book will become a valuable resource for teachers, librarians, and parents.

About the Author(s)

Eunice Wright has a background in early childhood education and has been a K–3 and preschool teacher for many years. She is also a nurse and member of the Utah Puppet Guild.
Juli Wright has a background in graphic design, desktop publishing, interior and landscape design, illustration and animation. She lives in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Bibliographic Details

Eunice Wright Illustrated by Juli Wright
Format: softcover (8.5 x 11)
Pages: 460
Bibliographic Info: 173 photos and illustrations, appendices, index
Copyright Date: 2015
pISBN: 978-0-7864-4567-7
Imprint: McFarland

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Preface  1

Using This Book  3

Section One. Story Book Puppets

1. Chicken Little

1a. Chicken Little  10

1b. Goosey Loosey  15

1c. Ducky Lucky  20

1d. Henny Penny  27

1e. Turkey Lurkey  34

1f. Cocky Locky  39

1g. Foxy Loxy  43

2. Goldilocks and the Three Bears

2a. Goldilocks  50

2b. Father Bear  55

2c. Mother Bear  55

2d. Baby Bear  55

3. Hansel and Gretel

3a. Hansel  67

3b. Gretel  69

3c. Witch  73

4. Heidi

4a. Heidi  81

4b. Goats  83

4c. Grandfather  83

5. Little Red Riding Hood

5a. Little Red Riding Hood  86

5b. Grandmother  87

5c. Wolf  93

6. Peter and the Wolf

6a. Peter  99

6b. Wolf  103

6c. Duck  103

6d. Bird  103

6e. Cat  116

7. Peter Rabbit; Peter Cottontail

7a. Rabbit  126

8. The City Mouse and the Country Mouse; Three Blind Mice

8a. The City Mouse  135

8b. The Country Mouse  135

8c. Blind Mice  135

9. The Frog Prince; The Princess and the Frog

9a. Frog  147

9b. Princess  156

10. The Gingerbread Boy

10a. Gingerbread Boy  160

10b. Grandma  166

10c. Grandpa  166

10d. Horse  166

10e. Cow  172

10f. Dog  173

10g. Cat  180

10h. Fox  180

11. The Lion and the Mouse

11a. Lion  182

11b. Mouse  186

12. The Little Red Hen

12a. Little Red Hen  188

12b. Baby Chicks  195

12c. Cat  195

12d. Dog  195

12e. Pig  195

13. The Swan Princess

13a. Princess  197

13b. Swan  197

14. The Three Billy Goats Gruff

14a. Smallest Billy Goat  203

14b. Medium Billy Goat  204

14c. Biggest Billy Goat  205

14d. Troll  206

15. The Three Little Pigs

15a. Pigs  212

15b. Wolf  225

16. The Tortoise and the Hare

16a. Tortoise  227

16b. Hare  230

17. The Ugly Duckling

17a. Duck  232

17b. Swan  232

18. Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing; The Boy Who Cried “Wolf!”

18a. Wolf  237

18b. Shepherd Boy  238

Additional Activities  241

Section Two. ABC Puppets

19. A―Alligator  245

20. B―Beaver  251

21. C―Cow  256

22. D―Dolphin  264

23. E―Elephant  271

24. F―Fawn  277

25. G―Giraffe  281

26. H―Hippopotamus  285

27. I―Ice Cream  289

28. J―Jellyfish  295

29. K―Koala  301

30. L―Lamb  305

31. M―Monkey  311

32. N―Newt  316

33. O―Owl  322

34. P―Polar Bear  328

35. Q―Quail  334

36. R―Rhinoceros  338

37. S―Squirrel  342

38. T―Tiger  349

39. U―Unicorn  354

40. V―Vulture  358

41. W―Walrus  363

42. X―X-Ray  367

43. Y―Yak  371

44. Z―Zebra  376

Additional Activities  380

Section Three. Family Members

45. Father/Man  406

46. Mother/Woman  410

47. Brother/Boy  413

48. Sister/Girl  414

49. Baby/Young Child  422

50. Grandmother/Old Woman  433

51. Grandfather/Old Man  434

Additional Activities  441

Appendix A—Animal Puppets  447

Appendix B—Resources  448

Index  453