Exhibits in Libraries

A Practical Guide


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About the Book

Library exhibits are more than entertainment for patrons. They can inspire and educate, stimulate an interest that can be explored in a book, or attract visitors who otherwise wouldn’t stop by. Displays are also an opportunity for a library to put its creative foot forward or help patrons navigate the facility itself. This comprehensive “how-to” includes a everything a librarian or staff member needs to know to put on an exhibit, from hatching ideas to evaluating the end result. Illustrations and photographs show practical methods of planning, labeling and displaying.
An introduction discusses the history and rationale of exhibits, and what librarians need to know to be responsible for them. Most of the book’s pages, however, are dedicated to the hands-on process of creating an exhibit. The first part is a ten-step process for beginners. The second part includes everything a librarian or staff member might want to consider when creating an exhibit: the beginning idea (theme, goals, location); the development and design (layout, labeling and related concerns); the fabrication (materials and installation); and the exhibit from installation to removal (maintenance, care of volunteers, evaluation). Related issues include safety, administration, funding, contracts, public relations and other practical topics. Another section looks at special projects such as traveling displays and hands-on exhibits. Finally, the authors provide syllabi for continued study in a workshop or college course, along with a self-study guide.

About the Author(s)

Mary E. Brown is a professor in the Department of Information and Library Science at Southern Connecticut State University in New Haven, Connecticut.
Rebecca Power, is a reference librarian for Miller Nichols Library at the University of Missouri–Kansas City.

Bibliographic Details

Mary E. Brown and Rebecca Power
Format: softcover (7 x 10)
Pages: 258
Bibliographic Info: photos, notes, bibliography, index
Copyright Date: 2006
pISBN: 978-0-7864-2352-1
eISBN: 978-1-4766-0549-4
Imprint: McFarland

Table of Contents

Preface      1

1. Exhibits from Beginnings to Libraries      5

2. Exhibit Theory      15

3. Learning Theory      27

4. Status of Exhibits in Libraries      38

5. The Basic Exhibit Process      44

6. The Comprehensive Exhibit Process      55

7. Traveling Exhibits      156

8. Hands-on Exhibits      169

9. The Exhibit Program      175

10. Cataloging Library Exhibits and Exhibit Objects      184

11. Examples of Exhibits in Libraries      190

12. Exhibits in Libraries: Three Course Syllabi      205

Chapter Notes      237

Bibliography      245

Index      247

Book Reviews & Awards

“comprehensive…detailed”—Booklist; “thoroughly reseached…written in clear language…highly recommended…a handy reference”—Journal of Access Services.