
American Women Civil Rights Activists

Biobibliographies of 68 Leaders, 1825–1992

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About the Book

Ranging from such pioneers as Elizabeth Blackwell, Mary L. Bonney, Kate Barnard, Mariana Bracetti, and Amelia Stone Quinton, to contemporary figures such as Iola M. Pohocsucut Hayden, Rosa Parks, Angela Davis, and Shirley Chisholm, these 68 women have worked passionately for civil rights in the United States. The issues that they have championed have been as varied as the women themselves: African Americans, Latino Americans, Native Americans, children, lesbians and gays, adoptees, older adults, differently-abled persons, prisoners, education, political reform, health issues and many others. Many have been active in women’s rights and suffrage issues.
A short biographical sketch of each woman is provided, listing place of birth, schools, important events and achievements, children, parents, siblings and individuals who had a significant influence on her work. The second part of each entry is an extensive bibliography of works by and about the activist. Included are print and nonprint sources, as well as dissertations, theses, manuscript materials and personal papers. The work is thoroughly indexed.

About the Author(s)

Gayle J. Hardy lives in Clarence, New York.

Bibliographic Details

Gayle J. Hardy
Format: softcover (6 x 9)
Pages: 503
Bibliographic Info: appendices, index
Copyright Date: 2012 [1993]
pISBN: 978-0-7864-7385-4
Imprint: McFarland

Book Reviews & Awards

“detailed bibliographies make the book unique”—Booklist; “skillfully pulls together information not otherwise available in one source”—Choice; “highly recommended”—ARBA.