
A Killer Appetite

Overcoming My Eating Disorder and the Thinking That Fed It

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About the Book

In the middle of a paralyzing panic attack, 34-year-old Holly Pennebaker made the call that would ultimately save her life. She realized that her eating disorder had consumed her life for the previous 15 years and made the decision to get help and enter a rigorous treatment program. Holly documented the program in real time, writing about it in an authentic, raw form.
This account chronicles the author’s experience with disordered eating, anxiety and other mental illness from the onset of her major panic attack through the weeks following her completion of the treatment program. By candidly recounting her own journey, Holly explores struggle, hope and self-acceptance.

About the Author(s)

Holly Pennebaker is an award-winning journalist-turned-digital content editor and program manager who produces and edits online content, and hosts educational podcasts and webcasts for top human resource professionals and business leaders. She lives near Cincinnati, Ohio.

Bibliographic Details

Holly Pennebaker

Format: softcover (6 x 9)
Pages: 203
Bibliographic Info: 20 photos, index
Copyright Date: 2019
pISBN: 978-1-4766-7869-6
eISBN: 978-1-4766-3764-8
Imprint: Toplight Books

Table of Contents

Acknowledgments vii
1. The trigger was pulled… 1
2. History of Binge Eating: You Have to Eat This Way 12
3. Too Type A for My Own Good: The Pain of “Perfection” 19
4. Day One: Monday, July 24 26
5. Day Two: Wednesday, July 26 39
6. Day Three: Saturday, July 29 52
7. Day Four: Monday, July 31 57
8. Day Five: Wednesday, August 2 64
9. Day Six: Saturday, August 5 67
10. Day Seven: Monday, August 7 73
11. Day Eight: Wednesday, August 9 80
12. Day Nine: Saturday, August 12 86
13. Day 10: Monday, August 14 93
14. Day 11: Wednesday, August 16 97
15. Day 12: Saturday, August 19 102
16. Day 13: Monday, August 21 112
17. Day 14: Wednesday, August 23 118
18. Day 15: Monday, August 28 127
19. Day 16: Wednesday, August 30 136
20. Day 17: Thursday, August 31 142
21. Day 18: Tuesday, September 5 146
22. Day 19: Wednesday, September 6, the Last Night 151
23. One Week After Discharge: Wednesday, September 13 163
24. Two and a Half Weeks Post Treatment: Sunday, September 23 170
25. Three Weeks Post Treatment: Wednesday, September 27 180
Epilogue 187
Index 191

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