Vietnam War Films

More Than 600 Feature, Made-for-TV, Pilot and Short Movies, 1939–1992, from the United States, Vietnam, France, Belgium, Australia, Hong Kong, South Africa, Great Britain and Other Countries


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About the Book

This is the filmography. There are 137 Vietnamese films not before noted in the literature. The French coverage is of course comprehensive. As for the U.S., the so-called covert Vietnam films (Soldier Blue, Little Big Man, etc.) that treat the war in an indirect or allegorical way are covered in addition to the mainstream movies.
Each entry includes title, alternate titles, year of release, country, studio, credits (director, producer, screenplay, editor, music, cast), availability on video, major themes, plot synopses, and critical commentary on the film and its relevance to Vietnam. The cooperation of the Office of the General Secretary of the Vietnamese Filmmakers’ Association and the Vietnamese material from the years 1959 through 1989.

About the Author(s)

Jean-Jacques Malo studied at the Université de Nantes, France and Birmingham University, England. He taught at the University of Wales in Cardiff, and the University of Washington in Seattle and has been teaching at the IUT de l’Université de Nantes since 2001. His research on Vietnam encompasses films as well as published translations of Vietnam War poetry into French.
Tony Williams is an associate professor of cinema studies at Southern Illinois University in Carbondale.

Bibliographic Details

Edited by Jean-Jacques Malo and Tony Williams
Format: softcover (7 x 10 in 2 vols.)
Pages: 592
Bibliographic Info: 128 photos, appendices, bibliography, index
Copyright Date: 2012 [1994]
pISBN: 978-0-7864-6710-5
Imprint: McFarland

Table of Contents

Volume 1

Acknowledgments and Notes on the Contributors      ix
Introduction      xiii
Southeast Asia in the French Cinema      xvii
The War and Vietnamese Films      xxiii

The Filmography      1

Volume 2

A: Chronology of Films      501
B: Countries of Origin      505
C: Directors and Their Films      508
D: Writers and Their Films      514
E: Selected Actors and Their Films      524
F: Films Deserving Further Research      536

Bibliography      537
Index      543

Book Reviews & Awards

“comprehensive scope and international outlook…. Inclusion is far-reaching…none [of the competition] is as extensive…a worthy selection”—Booklist; “most comprehensive…recommended”—Choice; “highly recommended”—Classic Images; “exhaustive…the analysis accompanying each film is excellent”—C&RL News; “ground-breaking”—Third World Resources; “insightful”—Reference & Research Book News.