Tribal Names of the Americas

Spelling Variants and Alternative Forms, Cross-Referenced


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About the Book

Scholars have long worked to identify the names of tribes and other groupings in the Americas, a task made difficult by the sheer number of indigenous groups and the many names that have been passed down only through oral tradition.
This book is a compendium of tribal names in all their variants—from North, Central and South America—collected from printed sources. Because most of these original sources reproduced words that had been encountered only orally, there is a great deal of variation.
Organized alphabetically, this book collates these variations, traces them to the spellings and forms that have become standardized, and supplies see and see also references. Each main entry includes tribal name, the “parent group” or ancestral tribe, original source for the tribal name, and approximate location of the name in the original source material.

About the Author(s)

Patricia Roberts Clark, a reference archivist in the Special Collections Library at Texas Tech University, was a public librarian for a quarter century.

Bibliographic Details

Patricia Roberts Clark
Format: softcover (7 x 10)
Pages: 329
Bibliographic Info: bibliography
Copyright Date: 2009
pISBN: 978-0-7864-3833-4
eISBN: 978-0-7864-5169-2
Imprint: McFarland

Table of Contents

Preface      1

How to Use This Book      3

Abbreviations      5

The Tribal Names      9

Bibliography      309

Book Reviews & Awards

“the author’s painstaking efforts will make research in the area of Native American tribes dramatically better”—Booklist; “a useful addition to libraries serving Native American populations or programs”—ARBA; “a remarkable resource”—Reference Reviews.