The Independent Filmmaker’s Guide to Writing a Business Plan for Investors, 2d ed.


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About the Book

Filmmakers need more than heart, talent and desire to realize their dreams: they need production capital. Finding willing investors can be the most difficult step in an aspiring filmmaker’s pursuit of higher-budget, entertaining motion pictures. This practical guide provides detailed instructions on preparing the most important tool for recruiting investors, a persuasive business plan. Included in this new edition are suggested ways to approach potential investors; lists of various financial sources available to Hollywood productions, and tips on spotting unscrupulous financiers. Interviews with key Hollywood producers offer real-world insight.

About the Author(s)

Gabriel Campisi has dealt in the world of finance, investment assets and commercial holdings for more than 20 years. Working simultaneously in motion picture and television production, he has received numerous awards and critical acclaim for his works as an independent writer, director and producer. He is a member of the Producers Guild of America.

Bibliographic Details

Gabriel Campisi
Format: softcover (7 x 10)
Pages: 280
Bibliographic Info: 68 photos, appendices, index
Copyright Date: 2012
pISBN: 978-0-7864-6285-8
eISBN: 978-0-7864-9021-9
Imprint: McFarland

Table of Contents

Disclaimer      viii
Acknowledgments      ix
Foreword by Morris Ruskin      1
Introduction      5

1. Taking the Next Step      13
2. Investors      18
3. Due Diligence      27
4. The Executive Summary      36
5. The Production Company      48
6. The Movie Projects      63
7. The Movie Industry      76
8. The Movie Market      91
9. Movie Distribution      106
10. The Investor’s Plan      121

11. Interviews      135

Appendix A: A Sample Business Plan      209
Appendix B: Resources      263
Index      269

Book Reviews & Awards

“valuable”—ARBA; “Reviews of the first edition: “well-timed”—Communication Booknotes Quarterly; “a very fine tool”—Midwest Book Review; “explains how to create a winning business plan to attract investors to an independent film project”—Reference & Research Book News; “Campisi breaks down the components of the almightly business plan in a simple straightforward manner. Helpful hints from actual experiences, interviews, comparisons, and a business plan sample are included to guide you even further. This book provides both a blueprint and the confidence for you to take the next step in making your film”—