The High Points of Sobriety

A Comical Guide to Addiction Recovery


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Imprint or Series:Toplight Books

About the Book

This book chronicles the author’s experience with sobriety and recovery, offering relief and hope to recovering substance abusers and their loved ones. With optimism and humor, the author explores an enduringly human struggle—living with a consciousness addicted to alteration.

While documenting the world of active addiction and his recovery from substance abuse, the author guides others on their own journey with sobriety. Chapters provide reminders and meditations to the newly recovering; lists of activities and life experiences to enjoy in sobriety; insights into a world seen through “clear” eyes; etiquette for the refined recoverer; behavioral observations and humorous anecdotes from addicts on the mend.

Wrapped in satire and wit, this honest and personally reflective guidebook will be recognizable and helpful to recovering addicts and to their friends and families.

About the Author(s)

Tony Rubino has written 12 books and is the creator of the internationally syndicated comic strip, Daddy’s Home which appears in hundreds of newspapers and websites. His line of fashion and accessories are sold in stores and catalogs worldwide and his paintings are featured in museums and galleries in the U.S., Italy and Greece.

Bibliographic Details

Tony Rubino
Format: softcover (6 x 9)
Pages: 183
Bibliographic Info: photos, index
Copyright Date: 2020
pISBN: 978-1-4766-8384-3
eISBN: 978-1-4766-4226-0
Imprint: Toplight

Book Reviews & Awards

“Lord have mercy. When I read The High Points of Sobriety, so many memories of my drinking and using days came flooding back. This book makes me so glad I got sober”—Leslie Jordan, Emmy Award–winning actor, playwright and author