The Great Depression and the New Deal

Legislative Acts in Their Entirety (1932–1933) and Statistical Economic Data (1926–1946)


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About the Book

The Great Depression—1929 through 1939 when the United States and the world were economically crippled—is still not fully understood. There are numerous theories on its causes and on what stimulated the recovery. Here is a powerful new tool for the historian or economist. The legislative acts of Roosevelt’s New Deal in their entirety accompany macroeconomic verification of what took place in the social and economic arenas. Each act is preceded by a summary of its provisions, focusing attention on the law as a whole. Economic statistics are provided for 1926 through 1946 as a frame of reference.

About the Author(s)

Frederick E. Hosen is the author of several McFarland books relating to the laws of the United States. He lives in Christiansburg, Virginia.

Bibliographic Details

Frederick E. Hosen
Format: softcover (6 x 9)
Pages: 328
Bibliographic Info: 62 tables, bibliography, index
Copyright Date: 2014 [1992]
pISBN: 978-0-7864-7740-1
Imprint: McFarland

Table of Contents

Introduction vii


Reconstruction Finance Corporation Act (January 1932) and Amendments (June 1933) 2
Emergency Relief and Construction Act (July 1932) 16
Bank Holiday Proclamations (March 1933) 35
Emergency Banking Relief/Bank Conservation Act (March 1933) and Amendment (June 1933) 39
Credit Act (March 1933) 49
Unemployment Relief/Public Works Act (March 1933) 59
Agricultural Adjustment Act (May 1933) 61
Federal Emergency Relief Act (May 1933) 89
Tennessee Valley Authority Act (May 1933) 93
Securities Act (May 1933) 110
Uniform Value of Coins and Currencies, Joint Resolution (June 1933) 137
National Cooperative Employment Service Act (June 1933) 139
Home Owners’ Loan Act (June 1933) 144
Banking Act (June 1933) 153
National Industrial Recovery Act (June 1933) 194
Emergency Railroad Transportation Act (June 1933) 214
Farm Credit Act (June 1933) 228


United States Population 250
International Migration 251
Vital Statistics 252
Social Welfare Expenditures Under Public Programs 253
Recreation 254
Education 255
Crime and Correction 256
Unemployed 257
Earnings in Current Dollars 258
Index of Employee Output 260
Wholesale Price Indexes 261
Wholesale Price of Selected Commodities 262
Consumer Price Indexes 263
Retail Prices of Selected Foods in U.S. Cities 264
Apparent Civilian per Capita Consumption of Foods 266
Gross National Product 268
Agriculture—Farms 269
Farm Income and Expenses 270
Indexes of Prices Received and Paid by Farmers 271
Agriculture—Crops 272
Agriculture—Livestock, Poultry, and Eggs 273
Agriculture—Dairy Products 274
Forest Products 275
Minerals—Price 276
Construction—Value and Cost Indexes 277
Rail and Highway Transportation 278
Telephones 279
Average Annual Earnings per Full-Time Employee in Distribution and Selected Service Industries 280
Electric Production, and Residential Service 282
Value of Exports and Imports 283
Retail Store Sales by Kind of Store 284
Business 286
Indexes of National Productivity 287
Net Public and Private Debt 288
Currency Stock and Currency in Circulation 289
Interest Rates, Stocks Volume, Consumer Credit, and Banks 290
Life Insurance Companies and Sales 291
Federal Government Employment and Finances 292
Various Social and Economic Data for Selected Years Pre-, Post-, and During the Great Depression 293

Bibliography 303
Index 315