
The Ford Presidency

A History

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About the Book

Though he occupied the oval office for less than three years, Gerald Ford made several key political decisions that helped reunite the country following the divisions over the Vietnam War and helped restore the faith of Americans in their government following the Watergate scandal. This book provides a complete history of Ford’s presidency from August 9, 1974, to January 20, 1977 (with two chapters on the Nixon administration events leading up to Ford’s succession).

About the Author(s)

Andrew Downer Crain is a practicing attorney and is vice president and deputy general counsel at Qwest Communications in Denver, Colorado. He lives in Denver.

Bibliographic Details

Andrew Downer Crain
Format: softcover (7 x 10)
Pages: 343
Bibliographic Info: 16 photos, notes, bibliography, index
Copyright Date: 2014 [2009]
pISBN: 978-0-7864-9544-3
eISBN: 978-0-7864-5299-6
Imprint: McFarland

Table of Contents

Preface      1

1. The Fall of Spiro Agnew      3

2. The Fall of Richard Nixon      17

3. Beginning      36

4. Pardon      55

5. Inflation, Public Enemy Number 1      72

6. Reform      82

7. Vladivostok      91

8. Recession, Public Enemy Number 1      103

9. CIA Scandal      115

10. Sinai II Agreement      131

11. The Fall of South Vietnam and Cambodia      146

12. Helsinki      169

13. Portugal and Spain      178

14. Cities in Crisis      186

15. Halloween Massacre and the End of SALT      194

16. Deregulation      202

17. Angola      210

18. China and East Timor      232

19. Primary Campaign      243

20. Kissinger For/Against Human Rights      264

21. General Election      270

Chapter Notes      283

Bibliography      319

Index      327

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