
The Elizabeth Cady Stanton–Susan B. Anthony Reader, 3d ed.

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About the Book

In its third edition this accessible and engaging collection of the writings of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony provides a critical overview of the lives, ideas and activism of two founders of the American feminist tradition. Introductory material has been extensively revised to reflect recent scholarship and provides historical context to selected letters, speeches, articles, reminiscences, arguments before courts, state legislatures and Congress. Of particular interest is new material concerning Cady Stanton’s relationship with Frederick Douglass and Anthony’s with Ida B. Wells.

About the Author(s)

Ellen Carol DuBois is the author of numerous histories of suffrage and women’s rights, in the U.S. and internationally. She is a distinguished research professor at UCLA and resides in Los Angeles.

Bibliographic Details

Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony
Edited and with Critical Commentary by Ellen Carol DuBois

Format: softcover (6 x 9)
Pages: 232
Bibliographic Info: Notes, bibliograhy, index
Copyright Date: 2022
pISBN: 978-1-4766-8696-7
eISBN: 978-1-4766-4631-2
Imprint: McFarland

Table of Contents

Introduction to the Third Edition 1
Part One. 1815–1861
Introduction: Before Seneca Falls 7
Document 1. Stanton, “Address Delivered at Waterloo New York about Seneca Falls Convention of July 19, 1848,” September 1848 23
Document 2. Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Frederick Douglass, First Meeting, c. 1840; Douglass at Seneca Falls Convention, 1848 30
Document 3. “Immediate Causes of the Demand for Women’s Political Rights” History of Woman Suffrage, volume 1, eds., Stanton, Anthony and Matilda Joslyn Gage, 1881 34
Document 4. Anthony, Letter on Temperance, August 26, 1852; Stanton, “Appeal for the Maine Law,” January 21, 1853 37
Document 5. Stanton and Anthony, Letters, 1852–1859 43
Document 6. Stanton, “Address to the Legislature of New York on Women’s Rights,” February 14, 1854 58
Document 7. Anthony, Diary of a Lecture Tour with Ernestine Rose to Washington, Baltimore, and Philadelphia, 1854 65
Document 8. Stanton, “Speech to the Anniversary of the American ­Anti-Slavery Society,” 1860 71
Part Two. 1863–1878
Introduction 79
Document 9. The Woman’s National Loyal League, May 1863 92
Document 10. Stanton, “Speech at Lawrence, Kansas,” 1867 96
Document 11. Stanton, “Manhood Suffrage,” The Revolution, December 24, 1868 100
Document 12. Anthony and Frederick Douglass Debate the Fifteenth Amendment at the May 1869 American Equal Rights Association 104
Document 13. Anthony, “Constitutional Argument,” 1873 107
Document 14. Stanton, “Speech to the ­McFarland-Richardson Protest Meeting,” May 1870 117
Document 15. Anthony, “Suffrage and the Working Woman,” 1871 121
Document 16. Stanton, “Home Life,” c. 1875 127
Document 17. Anthony, “Homes of Single Women,” October, 1877 133
Part Three. 1880–1906
Introduction: Anthony and the Consolidation of the Women’s Movement 141
Document 18. Stanton on Fredrick Douglass’ Second Marriage; Douglass Response, 1884 156
Document 19. Anthony, “Organization Among Women,” Columbian Exposition, 1893 160
Document 20. Anthony and Ida B. Wells, Friendship, 1894–1895 163
Document 21. Stanton, “Address to the Founding Convention of the National American Woman Suffrage Association,” February 1890 169
Document 22. Stanton, “Educated Suffrage Justified”; Harriot Stanton Blatch, “An Open Letter to Mrs. Stanton,” 1894 173
Document 23. Stanton, “The Solitude of Self,” January 18, 1892 179
Document 24. Stanton, “Introduction” and Commentaries on Genesis, Chapters 1–4, The Woman’s Bible; Anthony, Response to the NAWSA Resolution Disavowing The Woman’s Bible; Stanton, Draft of “Criticism of Bigotry of Women” 185
Document 25. Anna Howard Shaw, “The Passing of Aunt Susan”; Helen Gardener, “Elizabeth Cady Stanton” 199
Chapter Notes 207
Bibliography 215
Index 219