The British Heroic Age

A History, 367–664


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About the Book

Drawing on historical documents, legends, archeology and literature, this history describes the disintegration of Roman Britain that reached a climax in the decades after the Britons overthrew Constantine’s government and were refused Roman rule. Beginning with the weakening of Roman Britain, the author chronicles the breakdown of the empire’s social, political and economic order and the re-emergence of British political, economic and social structure as well as a parallel development among the Germanic invaders. The roles of religion, disease, the military, the Irish and the Picts during the 4th through 7th centuries are examined. This study synthesizes advances in post–Roman studies since Leslie Alcock’s 1971 classic Arthur’s Britain.

About the Author(s)

Flint F. Johnson is an independent scholar whose academic areas of interest include post–Roman British history, Heroic Age Greek and Norse history, and the cultures existing before the first river valley civilizations. He lives in Hudson, Wisconsin.

Bibliographic Details

Flint F. Johnson

Format: softcover (6 x 9)
Pages: 284
Bibliographic Info: maps, glossary, chronology, appendices, notes, bibliography, index
Copyright Date: 2017
pISBN: 978-0-7864-9522-1
eISBN: 978-1-4766-2611-6
Imprint: McFarland

Table of Contents

Acknowledgments vi
Preface 1
Introduction 5

Interpretations and Sources
1. A Political History 9
2. The Evidence: Roman Sources 13
3. The Evidence: Native Sources 25
4. The Evidence: The Northern Memorandum and the Kentish Source 47

5. Roman Society 61
6. Britain: 367–410 66
7. Picts, Irish and the Germanic Raiders 71

410 Through the Early Sixth Century
8. The ­Romano-Britons 77
9. The Germanic Foederati in the Fifth Century 84
10. The Irish in the Fifth Century 86
11. The Picts 90
12. The Rise of British Kingships 92
13. Heroic Age ­Politico-Economic Dynamics 96
14. The Early Kings 100
15. The ­Germanic-Controlled Territories 114

Sixth Century Celtic Kingships
16. Growing Pains of British Kingship 117
17. The New Economic System 119
18. Arthur 122
19. 530–600: An Expanding View 126
20. Rhun son of Maelgwn 129
21. Battle of Arfderyð 132
22. Urien’s Alliance and Y Gododdin 135
23. Gwrtheyrn 138
24. 530–580: The Setting for the Rise of Germanic Kingships 144
25. 550–575: Columban Dal Riata 147
26. The Decline of the British Kingdoms 151

Rise of the Germanic Kingships: Late Sixth Century to 664
27. Germanic Kingship 155
28. The Southumbrian Theater 158
29. The Northumbrian Theater 165
30. Between the Thames and the Humber 171
31. An Interwoven History: 600–664 174

Religion in Post-Roman Britain
32. The Age of Saints 193
33. Religion as a Political Tool 196
34. Native Religions 200
35. The Dark Ages 204

Appendix: The Vortigern Figure 209
Chronology: 367–664 212
Glossary 215
Guide to Period Sources 217
Chapter Notes 222
Bibliography 249
Index 267

Book Reviews & Awards

“A fascinating and informative read from start to finish. Exceptionally well written and thoroughly ‘reader friendly’ in organization and presentation… An ideal and unreservedly recommended contribution to personal, professional, community, and college/university library British History collections and supplemental curriculum studies lists.”—Midwest Book Review