Storming the Desert

A Marine Lieutenant’s Day-by-Day Chronicle of the Persian Gulf War


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About the Book

On December 15, 1990, Lieutenant Sean T. Coughlin left Norton Air Force Base, California. His destination: Saudi Arabia. For nearly six months, he served as a special staff officer with Marine Wing Support Group 37 (MWSG 37), Headquarters element. Throughout his deployment, Lieutenant Coughlin kept a detailed diary of his thoughts and actions. The boredom of the waiting, the dread of Scud attacks, the anticipation of the impending air and ground war, the camaraderie of the troops in the field, and the anticipation of going home—all are revealed. As a part of MWSG 37, the lieutenant gives a firsthand account how the unit set up air bases throughout Saudi Arabia.

About the Author(s)

Sean T. Coughlin currently lives in Acton, Massachusetts.

Bibliographic Details

Sean T. Coughlin

Format: softcover (6 x 9)
Pages: 176
Bibliographic Info: photos, maps, index
Copyright Date: 2012 [1996]
pISBN: 978-0-7864-7306-9
Imprint: McFarland

Table of Contents

Preface vii
Chapter 1: December 1
Chapter 2 : January 21
Chapter 3 : February 63
Chapter 4 : March 99
Chapter 5 : April 135
Chapter 6 : May 155
Military History 161
Index 163

Book Reviews & Awards

“Reminds us that war is 90 percent boredom followed by short periods of terror and dread”—Library Journal