Sixties Shockers
A Critical Filmography of Horror Cinema, 1960–1969
Paperback Edition$59.95
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About the Book
This comprehensive filmography provides critical analyses and behind-the-scenes stories for 600 horror, science fiction and fantasy films from the 1960s. During those tumultuous years horror cinema flourished, proving as innovative and unpredictable as the decade itself. Representative titles include Night of the Living Dead, The Haunting, Carnival of Souls, Repulsion, The Masque of the Red Death, Targets and The Conqueror Worm. An historical overview chronicles the explosive growth of horror films during this era, as well as the emergence of such dynamic directorial talents as Roman Polanski, George Romero, Francis Ford Coppola and Peter Bogdanovich.
About the Author(s)
Bibliographic Details
Mark Clark and Bryan Senn
Format: softcover (7 x 10)
Pages: 541
Bibliographic Info: 345 photos, bibliography, index
Copyright Date: 2025 [2011]
pISBN: 978-1-4766-9885-4
eISBN: 978-0-7864-8499-7
Imprint: McFarland
Table of Contents
Acknowledgments vi
Foreword by Robert Tinnell 1
Preface 3
1. The Decade 5
2. The Movies 39
3. More Movies 429
Bibliography 519
Index 521
Book Reviews & Awards
- “This exhaustive look at the horror films of the 1960s extols the diversity and ingenuity that infused this decade of filmmaking…comprehensive”—Booklist
- “The guide’s true reference value is found in its filmography. Profusely illustrated. Highly recommended”—Choice
- “Meticulously researched…impressively thorough…valuable and useful addition”—Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts
- “Clark and Senn provide a welcome addition to the literature of horror films of the 1960s…a pleasure to read and an invaluable resource to film researchers and enthusiasts…recommended”—ARBA
- “Fascinating reviews and overviews…recommend[ed]. Absolutely one of the best books of 2011 or any other year”—Little Shoppe of Horrors
- “Immensely readable and is most entertaining”—Scary Monsters Magazine
- “By virtue of its subject, paternity and compulsive readability, SIXTIES SHOCKERS immediately announces itself (before a word is read) as one of the most important horror-related film books of the year. A quick perusal does nothing to counter this impression: it’s well-designed, ably and personably written, it contains just the right balance of photographs, and the entries are conscientious about crediting sources from whence quotes or specific information have been cribbed…compiled with great love, dedication and enthusiasm”—Video Watchdog
- “This beautifully bound reference book from McFarland is well worth [the price]”—VideoScope