Samuel Reshevsky

A Compendium of 1768 Chess Games, with Diagrams, Crosstables, Some Annotations, and Indexes


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About the Book

On November 26, 1911, Samuel Herman Reshevsky was born in Ozorkov, Poland. At age six he became a chess professional and for seventy years he was a force on the international chess scene. This is by a very large margin the most comprehensive collection of Reshevsky’s games ever offered to the public.
Arranged in chronological order, with mini-essays wrapping up each decade, the 1,768 games (match, tournament, exhibition, simultaneous, casual, speed, postal, blindfold and other) are given in full, many with diagrams. Three indexes: openings by traditional names, openings by ECO codes, and opponents.

About the Author(s)

Stephen W. Gordon is a former winner of the U.S. Amateur Chess Championship. He lives in West Valley City, Utah.

Bibliographic Details

Stephen W. Gordon
Format: softcover (8.5 x 11)
Pages: 424
Bibliographic Info: tables, diagrams, indexes
Copyright Date: 2011 [1997]
pISBN: 978-0-7864-6093-9
Imprint: McFarland

Table of Contents

Table of contents covers major competitions only.

Acknowledgments         vii

Introduction         xvii

The Twenties

1920 European Simultaneous Tour         3

1921 American Simultaneous Tour         8

1922 New York, Round Robin Masters Tournament         16

1924 Detroit, 25th Western Chess Association Tournament         17

1927 Kalamazoo, First National Chess Federation Congress         18

1928 Detroit, Radio Game         19

The Thirties

1931 Tulsa, Western Chess Association Tournament         23

1932 Minneapolis, Western Chess Championship         24

         Pasadena, International Tournament         25

1933 Detroit, Western Chess Association Tournament         27

1934 New York, Offhand Game with Marshall         29

         New York, Simultaneous Display         29

         Chicago, Western Chess Association Championship         30

         Syracuse, International Tournament         32

         New York, Marshall Chess Club Championship         34

         New Bedford, Exhibition Game         34

         New York, Metropolitan League         34

1935 Margate, International Tournament         35

         Yarmouth, Major Open         37

1936 New York, U.S. Championships         38

         Nottingham, lnternational Tournament         42

         Washington, D.C., Blindfold Game         44

         New York, Metropolitan League         44

1937 New York, Metropolitan League         45

         Kemeri, lnternational Tournament         45

         Goteborg, Jonsson Match         49

         Stockholm, Olympiad         49

         Semmering-Baden, lnternational Tournament         51

         Hastings, lnternational Tournament         55

1938 New York, Metropolitan League         56

         New York, U.S. Championship         57

         Amsterdam, AVRO Tournament         62

1939 Leningrad-Moscow, International Tournament         64

         Washington, D.C., Consultation Game         68

         New York, Metropolitan League         68

         New York, Simultaneous Display         68

         New York, ACF Championship Preliminaries         68

         New York, ACF Championship Finals         69

The Forties

1940 New York, Metropolitan League         75

         New York, U.S. Championship         76

         New York, Lasker Memorial Simultaneous         79

1941 New York, U.S. Championship Match vs. Horowitz         80

         Hamilton, New York State Chess Association Meeting         83

1942 New York, U.S. Championship         86

         New York, U.S. Lightning Championship         89

         New York, U.S. Championship Match vs. Kashdan         89

1943 New York, U.S. Lightning Championship         97

         New York, Metropolitan Speed Championship         98

1944 New York, U.S. Lightning Championship         99

         Boston, U.S. Open         100

         New York, Manhattan Speed         103

         New York, Manhattan Victory Speed         103

1945 Hollywood, Pan-American Championship         104

         New York, Radio Match vs. U.S.S.R.         107

1946 Moscow, U.S.A. vs. U.S.S.R.         109

         New York, U.S. Championship         110

1947 New York, Radio Match vs. La Plata         113

1948 New York, Training Games         113

         New York, Telephone Match vs. Havana         114

         The Hague/Moscow, World Championship         114

The Fifties

1950 Detroit, Simultaneous Display         126

         Philadelphia, Simultaneous Display         126

         Los Angeles, Simultaneous Display         126

         New York, Radio Match vs. Yugoslavia         127

         Springfield, Simultaneous Display         129

         New York, Simultaneous Display         129

         New York, Metropolitan League         129

         Dubrovnik, Olympiad         129

         Amsterdam, International Tournament         132

1951 New York, Exhibition Game         135

         New York, Wertheim Memorial         136

         New York, U.S. Championship Preliminaries         138

         New York, U.S. Championship Finals         138

         New York, Exhibition Game         140

1952 Salt Lake City, Blindfold         140

         Havana, International Tournament         141

         Three Cities, N,ajdorf Match (Championship of the West)         144

         New York, Gligoric Match         149

         Helsinski, Olympiad         151

         New York, Manhattan Anniversary Celebration         154

1953 Buenos Aires, Najdorf Match (Championship of the West)         156

         Zurich, Candidates Tournament         160

1954 San Francisco, Clock Simultaneous Display         168

         Battle Creek, Simultaneous Display         168

         New York, U.S.A. vs. U.S.S.R.         168

         New York, First Rosenwald Trophy Tournament         169

1955 Douglas, Simultaneous Display         171

         Lincoln, Simultaneous Display         171

         Omaha, Simultaneous Display         171

         New York, Metropolitan League         172

         New York, Training Event         172

         Moscow, U.S.A. vs U.S.S.R.         173

         San Francisco, Clock Simultaneous         175

         Long Beach, U.S. Open         176

         New York, Second Rosenwald Trophy Tournament         178

1956 Hollywood, Simultaneous Display         180

         San Francisco, Clock Simultaneous         180

         Boston, Simultaneous Display         180

         Oklahoma, Simultaneous Display         180

         New York, Lombardy March         181

         New York, Third Rosenwald Memorial Tournament         182

1957 Los Angeles, Simultaneous Display         184

         San Francisco, Clock Simultaneous         185

         Eugene, Simultaneous Display         185

         New York, Exhibition Game         185

         New York, Blindfold Exhibition         185

         New York, Bisguier Match         186

         New York, D. Byrne Match         187

         Dallas, lnternational Tournament         189

         New York, U.S. Championship         192

1958 Detroit, Simultaneous Display         194

         New York, Metropolitan League         194

         Munich, Olympiad         195

         Haifa-Tel Aviv, lnternational Tournament         196

         New York, U.S. Championship         199

1959 San Francisco, Clock Simultaneous         200

         New York, Metropolitan League         200

         New York, U.S. Championship         201

The Sixties

1960 New York, Metropolitan League         209

         Buenos Aires, lnternational Tournament         210

         New York, Benko Match         213

         New York, U.S. Championship         215

1961 San Francisco, Clock Simultaneous         216

         Eugene, Simultaneous Display         216

         New York/Los Angeles, Fischer Match         217

1962 New York, Steinmeyer Match         224

         New York, U.S. Championship         225

1963 Eugene, Simultaneous Display         227

         Los Angeles, U.S. Championship Playoff         228

         New York, Bisguier Match         228

         Santa Monica, First Piatigorsky Cup         229

         New York, U.S. Championship         238

1964 Eugene, Simultaneous Display         240

         Amsterdam, lnterzonal         241

         Amsterdam, lnterzonal Playoff, Portisch Match         244

         Tel Aviv, Olympiad         245

1965 Las Vegas, National Open         247

         New York, U.S. Championship         248

1966 Eugene, Simultaneous Display         251

         Mar del Plata, lnternational Tournament         252

         Santa Monica, Second Piatigorsky Cup         254

         New York, U.S. Championship         267

1967 Maribor, lnternational Tournament         269

         Sousse, lnterzonal         272

1968 Los Angeles, lnterzonal Playoff         276

         Amsterdam, Korchnoi Candidates Match         277

         Haifa, Simultaneous Display         278

         New York, U.S. Championship         279

         Lugano, Olympiad         281

1969 Miami, Exhibition         283

         Netanya, lnternational Tournament         283

         New York, U.S. Championship         285

The Seventies

1970 Miami, Exhibition         290

         Miami, Blindfold Simultaneous Display         290

         Belgrade, U.S.S.R. vs. The Rest of the World Match         290

         Herceg Novi, Blitz Tournament         291

         Skopje, lnternational Tournament         293

         Buenos Aires, lnternational Tournament         296

         Siegen, Olympiad         298

         Palma de Mallorca, lnterzonal         300

1971 Netanya, lnternational Tournament         304

         Ventura, U.S. Open         306

         Palma de Mallorca, lnternational Tournament         308

1972 New York, U.S. Championship         311

1973 Chicago, U.S. Championship Playoff         313

         Netanya, lnternational Tournament         314

         Petropolis, lnterzonal         316

         London, lnternational Tournament         319

1974 Nice, Olympiad         320

         Chicago, U.S. Championship         322

         New York, U.S. Open         324

1975 Lone Pine, Louis D. Statham Masters         326

         Simultaneous         327

         Oberlin, U.S. Championship         328

1976 Skopje, lnternational Tournament         330

1977 Lone Pine, Louis D. Statham Masters         332

         Amsterdam, lnternational Tournament         341

         Mentor, U.S. Championship         336

1978 Lone Pine, Louis D. Statham Masters         338

         Vilnius, lnternational Tournament         341

1979 Lone Pine, Louis D. Statham Masters         343

         Esbjerg, North Sea Cup         345

The Eighties

1980 Postal Games         349

         Lone Pine, Louis D. Statham Masters         350

1981 Postal Games         351

         Lone Pine, Louis D. Statham Masters         352

         South Bend, U.S. Championship         353

         Jacksonville, U.S. Championship Playoff         355

         Kalamazoo, Simultaneous Display         356

         Saginaw, Simultaneous Display         357

         Postal Games         357

1982 Beer Sheeva, lnternational Tournament         358

         New York, CCA Summer lnternational Swiss         359

         Postal Games         360

1983 Postal Games         360

         New Platz, Training Matches         360

         Barcelona, lnternational Tournament         361

         Pasadena, U.S. Open         363

         New York, Rubinstein Memorial Open         364

         Pittsburgh, Simultaneous Display         365

         Postal Games         365

1984 Reykjavik, Open Swiss         365

         New York, New York Open         367

         Hollywood, Christiansen Match         369

         Postal Games         370

1985 Lugano, Open Swiss         371

         Toms River, Simultaneous Display         371

         Postal Games         371

1986 Reykjavik, Open Swiss         372

         Postal Games         373

         Detroit, Simultaneous Display         373

         Lake Charles, Simultaneous Display         373

         Postal Games         374

         New York, New York Open         374

         Philadelphia, World Open         374

         Somerset, U.S. Open         374

         Tel Aviv, Holon Open         377

1987 Lugano, Open Swiss         378

         Postal Games         380

         Philadelphia, World Open         380

         Postal Games         381

1988 Lugano, Open Swiss         382

         Postal Games         383

         Philadelphia, World Open         383

         Norwich, Simultaneous Display         384

         San Diego, Simultaneous Display         384

         Long Beach, Software Toolworks Open         384

         Belgrade, GMA Open         386

1989 Postal Games         387

         Moscow, GMA Open         387

         Palma de Mallorca, GMA Open         389

The Nineties

1990 Postal Games         391

         Las Vegas, Simultaneous Display         391

         Jacksonville, Simultaneous Display         391

         Jacksonville, U.S. Open         391

1991 Moscow, Veterans Tournament         393

         Moscow, Smyslov Match         394

         Postal Games         395

Openings lndex         397

ECO Openings lndex         400

Opponents lndex         403

Book Reviews & Awards

“The definitive work on Reshevsky is meticulously researched…a fascinating mini-essay on each decade of Reshevsky’s life…every crucial crosstable”—Chess Life; “this oversize monster is by far the most complete work ever printed on Sammy Reshevsky. One of the giants of American chess, [he] was a world championship level competitor for four decades. Detailed player and opening indexes…an excellent addition to any chess library. It is, without any doubt, the best book ever written on this important and overlooked subject”—IM Jeremy Silman, (; “a magnificent resource for the chess historian…Gordon’s magnum opus covers eight decades of masterly play…. A mammoth 1,768 of Reshevsky’s games together with informative introductions to each decade. Assiduously researched and collated—a real treasure trove!”—British Chess Magazine; “a commendable record and tribute…majestic…clear, lucid and interesting”—The Compulsive Reader; “quite an accomplishment…immense biographical information…the most comprehensive collection of Reshevsky’s games ever offered to the public”—; “what a wonderful book”—Chess News.