North Korean Review, Vol. 16, No. 1 (Spring 2020)

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About the Book

North Korean Review is the first academic journal in North America or Europe to focus exclusively on North Korea. The purpose of NKR is to provide readers with an improved understanding of the country’s complexities and the threat it presents to global stability. International and interdisciplinary, NKR is a refereed journal published twice a year. Topics include culture, history, economics, business, religion, politics and international relations, among others. Back issues are available to individuals $30 and to institutions for $75, and are subject to availability. On our website, the individual price is the default. Institutions interested in purchasing back issues may order online (we will bill you the difference in price), contact your subscription agent, or contact McFarland at 800-253-2187 or

About the Author(s)

Yongho Kim is the director of the Yonsei Institute for North Korean Studies and a professor in the Political Science and International Studies Department at Yonsei University.

Bibliographic Details

Edited by Yongho Kim
Format: softcover (7 x 10), back issue
Pages: 110
Bibliographic Info:
Copyright Date: 2020
ISSN 1551-2789
Imprint: McFarland

Table of Contents

Managing Editor’s Comments (Lonnie Edge) 3


Diplomacy Among Comrades: North Korea’s Relations with the Eastern European “Fraternal Countries,” 1960–1964, in the Context of the Sino-Soviet Split (Natalia Matveeva) 7

Between Economic Reform and Support of an “Independent National Economy”: Special Economic Zones in North Korea (Théo Clément) 27

Understanding the “Socialist Tourism” of North Korea Under Kim Jong Un: An Analysis of North Korean Discourse (Dean J. Ouellette) 55

Trump’s “Madman” Game in North Korea and the Pakistan Model (Jalel ben Haj Rehaiem) 82

Commentary Essays

Trump and Kim Jong Un: Climbing the Diplomatic Ladder (Leif-Eric Easley) 103

The Unresolved Korean Border, the Polarized Meta-Nation and the North Korean Problem (Valérie Gelézeau) 111

How Economic Sanctions Discourage the Prospect of Reunification of the Korean Peninsula (and What Might Help) (Surachanee Sriyai) 121

Book Review 131

Call for Papers and Style Guide 135

Book Reviews & Awards

  • “Has played a defining role in the field of North Korean studies…recommend[ed] that most academic and public libraries subscribe in order to provide relevant information about Northeast Asian peace and economic prosperity.”—Library Journal.