Music and Dance Traditions of Ghana
History, Performance and Teaching
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About the Book
The music and dance traditions of Ghana’s four main ethnic groups are covered comprehensively in this book. It discusses concepts of music, dance and performance in general, and also goes into cultural perspectives, performance practices and the form and structure of 22 musical types or dance drumming ceremonies. As a guide to multicultural education, it provides teaching methods and components of curriculum development. Numerous photographs, maps, and musical scores generously illustrate the book.
About the Author(s)
Bibliographic Details
Paschal Yao Younge
Format: softcover (7 x 10)
Pages: 466
Bibliographic Info: 404 photos (25 in color), 13 maps, appendix, glossary, bibliography, index
Copyright Date: 2011
pISBN: 978-0-7864-4992-7
eISBN: 978-0-7864-8531-4
Imprint: McFarland
Table of Contents
Acknowledgments xi
African Arts in Education: Theory and Practice 1
Perspectives on Ghanaian Music 2
Perspectives on Ghanaian Dances 5
Preface 7
Introduction: Ghana in Perspective 9
PART ONE. Dance-Drumming of the Southeastern E3es 13
1. Historical, Geographical, Cultural, and Social Background of the Southeastern E3es of Ghana 16
2. Adzogbo Ritual Dance-Drumming Ceremony 33
3. Agbadza Funeral Dance-Drumming Ceremony 46
4. Atibla2 ekame Women’s Funeral Dance-Drumming Ceremony 52
5. Atrikpui Warriors’ Dance-Drumming Ceremony 61
6. Atsiagbek4 Warriors’ Dance-Drumming Ceremony 70
7. Gadzo Warriors’ Dance-Drumming Ceremony 78
8. Gah3 Recreational Dance-Drumming Ceremony 84
PART TWO. Dance-Drumming of the Central and Northern E3es 91
9. Historical, Geographical, Cultural, and Social Background of the Central and Northern E3es of Ghana 94
10. Ade3u Hunters’ Dance-Drumming Ceremony 104
11. B4b44b4 Recreational Dance-Drumming Ceremony 112
12. Egbanegba Recreational Dance-Drumming Ceremony 120
13. Gbolo Recreational Dance-Drumming Ceremony 125
PART THREE. Dance-Drumming of the Gas 131
14. Historical, Geographical, Cultural, and Social Background of the Gas of Ghana 134
15. Gome Recreational Dance-Drumming Ceremony 147
16. Kolomashie Recreational Dance-Drumming Ceremony 155
17. Kpanlongo Recreational Dance-Drumming Ceremony 160
Between pages 166 and 167 are 16 color plates containing 25 images
PART FOUR. Dance-Drumming of the Akans 167
18. Historical, Geographical, Cultural, and Social Background of the Akans of Ghana 170
19. Adowa Funeral Dance-Drumming Ceremony 180
20. Asaadua Recreational Dance-Drumming Ceremony 189
21. Sikyi Recreational Dance-Drumming Ceremony 193
22. Kete Royal Dance-Drumming Ceremony 198
PART FIVE. Dance-Drumming of the Dagbamba 203
23. Historical, Geographical, Cultural, and Social Background of the Dagbamba of Ghana 206
24. Baamaaya Recreational Dance-Drumming Ceremony 213
25. Bla Religious Dance-Drumming Ceremony 222
26. J1ra Religious Dance-Drumming Ceremony 230
27. T4 ra Women’s Recreational Dance-Drumming Ceremony 238
PART SIX. Songs and Percussion Scores 245
28. Transcriptions and Analysis of Songs 246
Southeastern E3es Songs 246
Central and Northern E3es Songs 270
Ga Songs 285
Akan Songs 294
Dagbamba Songs 303
29. A Taste of the Percussion Ensembles 314
Southeastern E3es Percussion Ensembles 314
Central and Northern E3es Percussion Ensembles 326
Ga Percussion Ensembles 332
Akan Percussion Ensembles 337
Dagbamba Percussion Ensembles 345
PART SEVEN. Teaching African Music and Dance-Drumming 351
30. Components of an African Music Dance-Drumming Curriculum 352
31. Activities for Teaching B4b44b4 Dance-Drumming 367
Appendix: Performing Groups and Notes on DVDs 405
Glossary 419
Bibliography and Further Reading 429
Index 439
Book Reviews & Awards
“this is a list that is hard to match. This book is a boon to an already-popular subject, and will be greatly welcomed by anyone involved in African music and dance. Highly recommended”—Choice; “a specialist in African art, Younge provides other educators with more resource materials to enhance their intercultural teaching in a liberal studies program”—Reference & Research Book News; “outstanding”—The Journal of Pan African Studies.