
Justice Perverted

The Molestation Mistrial of Richard Charles Haefner

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Imprint or Series:Exposit Books

About the Book

In 1975, Dr. Richard Charles Haefner had it all–a Ph.D. from Penn State University, a prestigious job offer with UCLA and a thriving family business. Then it all came crashing down. Two boys who worked for Haefner accused him of sexual molestation, but allegations of police brutality, prosecutorial misconduct, bribery and corruption soon overshadowed what seemed like an “open-and-shut-case,” ultimately resulting in the Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s amending state law. Drawing on interviews and recently discovered documents, the author revisits the case and explores a number of open questions–including whether Haefner was set up by police as he claimed.

About the Author(s)

Derek J. Sherwood, author of two previous books on the alleged crimes of Dr. Richard Charles Haefner, lives in Windsor, Pennsylvania.

Bibliographic Details

Derek J. Sherwood
Format: softcover (6 x 9)
Pages: 217
Bibliographic Info: 14 photos, notes, bibliography, index
Copyright Date: 2018
pISBN: 978-1-4766-7518-3
eISBN: 978-1-4766-3373-2
Imprint: Exposit Books

Table of Contents

Timeline 1

Preface 4

Introduction 5

1. Kevin 15

2. Randy 20

3. Rick 27

4. Crump 42

5. Arrested! 45

6. Lie Detector Test 53

7. George 60

8. A Difficult Defense 66

9. Preliminaries 76

10. The Trial Looms 81

11. The Trial Begins 84

12. Hearsay 102

13. Riding in Cars with Boys 106

14. Denouement 110

15. The Trial Ends 130

16. Hess 133

17. The Hole 139

18. The Prosecution Rests 145

19. Aftermath 151

20. Get Haefner 164

Epilogue 183

Where Are They Now? 193

Chapter Notes 195

Bibliography 203

Index 207

Book Reviews & Awards

  • “A brutal deep-dive into Sherwood’s favorite suspect. Unflinching. Justice Perverted is the study of a predator who got away with terrible crimes and a broken system that allowed him to go free.”—James Renner, filmmaker and author of Amy: My Search for Her Killer and True Crime Addict: How I Lost Myself in the Mysterious Disappearance of Maura Murray.

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