
Journalism’s Martyrs

Profiles of Reporters and Others Murdered in the Line of Duty

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About the Book

Journalists have often put themselves in danger to convey crucial information to the public. Many journalists have even died doing their jobs, investigating crimes or traveling to battle zones—and sometimes documenting events in their own communities. Recently, reporters have been assaulted, mocked and silenced, their reports dubbed “fake news” and them, “enemies of the people.” A free press is one of the country’s most reliable foundations for ensuring a democracy for current and future generations. With a focus on American journalism, this book tackles issues affecting today’s news through profiling journalists killed on the job, whether from violent conspiracy, terrorism or mass shootings.

About the Author(s)

Andrew Weeks is an award-winning journalist who has reported for a number of media outlets—newspaper, magazine and radio—in several states. He has worked as a beat reporter, section editor, assistant city editor, assistant editor, managing editor and editor.

Bibliographic Details

Andrew Weeks
Format: softcover (6 x 9)
Pages: 222
Bibliographic Info: notes, bibliography, index
Copyright Date: 2022
pISBN: 978-1-4766-8664-6
eISBN: 978-1-4766-4614-5
Imprint: McFarland

Table of Contents

Acknowledgments ix
Preface 1
Introduction 7
1 The Hard Knocks of Journalism 13
Ruben Salazar, 1970 24
2. Unprecedented Times 31
Don Bolles, 1976 44
3. The First Amendment and the Fourth Estate 50
Manuel de Dios Unanue, 1992 64
4. The Public’s Right to Know 67
Dona St. Plite, 1993 75
5. The Uncomfortable Press 80
James Edwin Richards, 2000 95
6. Disinformation, the Public and the News 99
William Biggart, 2001 113
7. Activism, Objectivity and Fairness 118
Robert Stevens, 2001 124
8. Regaining the Public’s Trust Amidst a Multitude of Voices 126
Chauncey Bailey, 2007 134
9. Brave Journalism 137
Alison Parker and Adam Ward, 2015 147
10. Blood and Ink 152
Five in Annapolis, 2018 160
11. What About Khashoggi? 165
Author’s Note: Community Journalism 167
Chapter Notes 175
Bibliography 193
Index 207