Horror Film Stars, 3d ed.


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About the Book

John Carradine, Jamie Lee Curtis, Yvonne De Carlo, Faith Domergue, Boris Karloff, Otto Kruger, Bela Lugosi, Jack Palance, Vincent Price, Santo, and George Zucco are just a few of the 80 horror film stars that are covered in this major standard reference work, now in its third edition.
The author has revised much of the information from the two previous editions and has added several more performers to the lineup of horror film stars. The performers are given well rounded career bios and detailed horror film write-ups, with complete filmographies provided for those most associated with horror, science fiction, and fantasy movies, and genre-oriented filmographies for the lesser stars.

About the Author(s)

Michael R. Pitts has written more than 40 books on motion picture history and entertainment and has also compiled more than three dozen volumes of local history and genealogy. He lives in Chesterfield, Indiana.

Bibliographic Details

Michael R. Pitts
Format: softcover (7 x 10)
Pages: 576
Bibliographic Info: 383 photos, filmographies, bibliography, index
Copyright Date: 2002
pISBN: 978-0-7864-1052-1
eISBN: 978-1-4766-1034-4
Imprint: McFarland

Book Reviews & Awards

“recommended…handy as a reference work or for general reader interest…far superior [to the competition]”—ARBA; “enjoyable…provides accurate data”—Booklist; “selection of subjects is excellent…worth its weight in gold…indispensable…highly recommend[ed]…exhaustive”—Fangoria; “refreshing…a good basic reference that even longtime genre fans will find useful and informative”—Filmfax; “excellent job…excellent photos…a great, fun encyclopedia for horror fans”—Classic Images; “one of the most interesting and best written film books I’ve encountered”—Critical Mass; “a solid, thorough work”—Video Watchdog; “covers all the obvious and many not-so-obvious…full filmographies and copious notes on each..useful”—Interzone; “intriguing”—American Cinematographer; “lavishly illustrated and excellently indexed”—Film Review; “useful, fact filled…great pictures”—Psychotronic; “a great deal of information”—SFRA Review; “well-illustrated…user friendly”—Scarlet Street; “handy”—Cult Movies; “has become a standard for tracking the filmographies of the major and minor players of the genre”—Rue Morgue; “useful and is definitely worth the money”—Midnight Marquee; “informative, accurate, engrossing and well written”—Chiller Theatre; “comprehensive and affordable”—Westerns & Serials.