First Name Reverse Dictionary

Given Names Listed by Meaning, 2d ed.


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About the Book

This innovative dictionary allows the user to find given names which relate to a specific meaning. Arranged alphabetically by definition, the names are followed by the language of origin, variations (derivatives, diminutives, and nicknames) of the name itself, and the name as interpreted in different languages. Separate sections are included for male and female names. Using the dictionary you could discover that there are over 160 names listed for “flower,” from Anthea (Greek) to Zahara (African).

About the Author(s)

Writer Yvonne Navarro is a DIA contractor and works as an operations officer in southern Arizona. She lives in Sierra Vista.

Bibliographic Details

Yvonne Navarro
Format: hardcover (6 x 9)
Pages: 275
Bibliographic Info: index
Copyright Date: 2007
pISBN: 978-0-7864-2934-9
eISBN: 978-1-4766-0996-6
Imprint: McFarland

Table of Contents

Introduction      1
Meanings Related to Female Names      5
Meanings Related to Male Names      79
Index to Names      181

Book Reviews & Awards

“a broad range of coverage and the definitions are concise and informative”—ARBA; “what if…you want to be sure a character in your next novel has a name that suggests a certain character trait—or flaw. [This book] can help”—Booklist; “this one runs decidedly against the grain…uniquely suited to identify those names that represent a certain quality, idea, or thing”—Wilson Library Bulletin; “an innovative dictionary that allows the reader to select a meaning”—Reference & Research Book News.