Exploring Space: 1999

An Episode Guide and Complete History of the Mid–1970s Science Fiction Television Series


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About the Book

Starring internationally renowned actors Martin Landau, Barbara Bain, Barry Morse and Catherine Schell, the British–made Space: 1999 was the only truly original space adventure of the mid–1970s. Sandwiched between the demise of the original Star Trek and the opening of the Stars Wars series on the big screen, Space: 1999 featured a richly-visualized world where space was terrifying and mysterious, where not all problems were solvable by technology and the space travelers were very human.
From the science fiction show’s conception in 1973 to its cancellation in 1977, this reference work covers each of the 48 episodes in depth, including a full plot synopsis, writer, director, guest star credits, and critical commentary that examines both the episode and other shows that have used similar plotlines. The popularity of Space: 1999 memorabilia and its many fan clubs are fully discussed, along with the possibility of a future movie or reunion show that would tie up the loose ends caused by the show’s abrupt cancellation.

About the Author(s)

John Kenneth Muir is an American literary critic and award-winning author of more than 35 books in the fields of film and television, with a particular focus on horror and science fiction as well as the creator of the award-winning web series Abnormal Fixation and the audio drama Enter the House Between. He is an associate professor of humanities and communication, and lives in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Bibliographic Details

John Kenneth Muir
Format: softcover (6 x 9)
Pages: 222
Bibliographic Info: photos, notes, bibliography, index
Copyright Date: 2005 [1997]
pISBN: 978-0-7864-2276-0
eISBN: 978-0-7864-5527-0
Imprint: McFarland

Table of Contents

Acknowledgments     ix

Introduction     1

Part I: The History     5

Part II: The Episodes     15


Season Overview     15

Season Cast and Credits     20


The New Producer     83

Interview with the Psychon     88

Season Overview     92

Cancellation     96

Season Cast and Credits     99

Part III: A Summary of Critical Commentary     155

Part IV: Fans and Collectibles     177

Epilogue     191

Notes     195

Bibliography     197

Index     199

Book Reviews & Awards

“well-written…thoroughly researched…recommended”—Library Journal; “details the programs from inception through to cancellation. Muir provides the reader with all the requisite cast, credit, and episode details, as well as synopsis and in-depth analysis…very well indexed…detailed bibliography and videography”—Booklist; “more fodder for the pop culture mavens!”—Communication Booknotes Quarterly; “comprehensive…detailed”—AB Bookman’s Weekly; “a must for the series’ fans”—VideoScope.