
Equity Planning for School Leaders

Approaches to Student Diversity, Access and Opportunity

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About the Book

This second edition offers strategies, tips, and guidance on how to promote equitable student growth across content areas. The essays in this book complement the work of school board members, administrators and community stakeholders in school districts with diverse student populations.
Authors offer both empirically-based and auto-ethnographic accounts about equity policy frameworks, school counseling, resource officers in urban schools, trauma-informed practices and bias disruptors. Each of the 12 essays provides templates for educators and administrators across age ranges and institution types. As demographics grow more diverse, school leaders will look for ideas to improve campus policy and practice. The contributors to this work deliver actionable steps across departments.

About the Author(s)

Todd M. Mealy (Ph.D., American studies, Penn State University) is a writer who specializes in 19th and 20th century civil rights history and sports culture. A contributor to Pennsylvania Heritage Magazine, he lives in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
Heather Bennett assists public school boards and districts with educational equity focused tools, programming, and research. Her scholarship and practice focus on the intersection of education, law, and policy. She lives in Bangkok, Thailand.

Bibliographic Details

Edited by Todd M. Mealy and Heather Bennett
Format: softcover (6 x 9)
Pages: 303
Bibliographic Info: 5 photos, notes, bibliographies, index
Copyright Date: 2023
pISBN: 978-1-4766-8704-9
eISBN: 978-1-4766-4914-6
Imprint: McFarland

Table of Contents

Editors’ Note ix
Introduction: Examining the Roots of the American Education System
Heather Bennett and Todd M. Mealy 1
Part I: School Directors and Administration
School Board Leaders’ ­­Post-Pandemic Starter Guide to Fixing the System: Dismantling Racism and Institutionalizing Equity by Leveraging Your Board Leadership
N.J. Akbar 23
Developing, Implementing, and Executing an [Intersectional and ­­Anti-Racist] Equity Framework in Your District and Your School
Victor Javier Rodriguez 41
When Schools Ban Books, They Silence Diverse Voices
Matthew Good 71
Part II: School Counselors as School Leaders
Replacing Cops with Counselors: How a Professional Development Sequence Can Move School Cultures from ­­Zero-Tolerance to Restorative Justice
Nancy Nasr 89
An Education Without Domination: Narrative Praxis, Subversive Practices on Social Structures, and Humanizing Practices for Students of Color in Clinical School Settings
Olivia T. Ngadjui, Christian D. Chan, Brianne E. Scott, and Amirah R. Nelson 112
Don’t Forget About Us: Practical Approaches to Empowerment, Agency, and Community Networks for Black Girls
Dianne Wellington and Jessica R. McClain 132
Part III: Leadership in Early Childhood Education
Black Lives Matter, 1Si Se Puede! Race and Language in the Prekindergarten Classroom
Zoila Morell and Kamar Y. Tazi 151
Teaching History to Challenge Racism: An International Perspective
AnneMarie Brosnan 166
Part IV: ­­Auto-Ethnographic Accounts on ­­Anti-Racist Pedagogy
Along the Rocky Path Toward Principles: ­Anti-Racist Educators in Dialogue
Barbara P. Laster and Afra A. Hersi 183
From Educators for Social Justice to Educators of Social Justice
Linsay DeMartino and Lisa Fetman 208
Pressing Pause: Subverting Hegemonic Cultural Norms in Educational Spaces
Emily Alicia Affolter and Suzie Hodges 238
Student to Teacher: Life in the Public School System
Stephanie J. Gates 261
About the Contributors 285
Index 289