Black Submariners in the United States Navy, 1940–1975
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About the Book
For as long as an American naval force has existed, black sailors have served it with bravery, distinction, and little or no recognition. They have since earned praise for service in the American Revolution, the War of 1812, and the Civil War, and more recently, they were integral to the development of the U.S. Submarine Service. Their roles limited by segregation, black submariners nonetheless were a key element of the “Silent Service” throughout World War II. With desegregation came expanded opportunities, and black submariners witnessed the birth and evolution of the nuclear-powered submarine, and some of the tensest moments of the Cold War. These men paved the way for those who followed—their contributions deserve recognition, and their stories deserve to be told.
This exploration of the role of African American submariners chronicles their service from World War II through the Cold War era. An historical overview of black sailors and the evolution of the Steward’s Branch, to which black sailors were eventually restricted, precede descriptions of becoming a steward and a submariner, and of life as a submariner during World War II. An account of black submariners in post-war service during desegregation, the development of the nuclear submarine, and throughout the Cold War follows. Oral histories of more than fifty black submariners who served in World War II and post-war form the heart of the book. Photographs of the men profiled, including wartime photographs, complement the text. Appendices outline the naval steward rating system, list all black submarine stewards serving in World War II, top stewards by number of war patrols, and those lost or killed during wartime service. Rear Admiral Melvin G. Williams, Jr., submarine fleet commander and son of one of the men profiled, provides a foreword.
About the Author(s)
Bibliographic Details
Glenn A. Knoblock
Foreword by Rear Admiral Melvin G. Williams, Jr.
Format: softcover (7 x 10)
Pages: 494
Bibliographic Info: 130 photos, appendices, bibliography, index
Copyright Date: 2011 [2005]
pISBN: 978-0-7864-6430-2
eISBN: 978-0-7864-8300-6
Imprint: McFarland
Table of Contents
Foreword by Melvin G. Williams, Jr., Rear Admiral, United States Navy 1
Acknowledgments 3
Preface 7
I. Black Sailors and the Evolution of the Steward’s Branch in the United States Navy from 1775 to 1939 9
II. Overview of the Steward’s Branch of the United States Navy During World War II 13
III. Becoming a Steward 18
Joining the Navy: Voluntary Enlistment 18
Joining the Navy via the Draft 21
The Navy Boot Camp Experience 22
Black Sailors and the Navy’s Rating System During the War 28
IV. Becoming a Submariner 33
From Boot Camp to Submarines 33
From the Surface Navy to the Silent Service 39
Transfer from a Tender, Relief Crew, or Shore Duty 42
V. Life as a Wartime Submariner 45
The Daily Routine of a Submarine Steward 45
Qualifying as a Submariner 53
Battle-Station Action 60
The Men of the O-, R-, and S-Class Boats 77
Other Shipboard Activities 81
Crew Relations Aboard the Boat 94
Rest and Relaxation Ashore 121
Leaving the Boat 137
At War’s End 144
VI. The Submarine Navy During the Postwar Years 161
The End of the 1940s and President Truman’s Desegregation Order 162
The 1950s: Enter the Nuclear Age 179
The 1960s: Boomers and Fast Attacks 210
1970–1975: An End and a Beginning 239
VII. Histories of Black Submariners 257
Carroll Louden Allen 258
Jesse Allen 260
William Allison 261
Bruce Anderson 263
Dave Ball 264
George Bracey 266
Arthur Brown 266
Mack Butler 269
Wallace Coleman 271
Robert Coley 272
David Collier 273
Clark Cooper 274
Tyree Cornish 276
Joseph Cross 277
Earnest Danford 278
Alonza Davis 279
Everett Davis 280
Lewis Davis 282
Shirley Day 283
Jesse Debro 285
Nathan Dogan 286
Russell Donan 287
Donald Fenner 288
LC Fisher 290
Robert Goens 290
John Gray 293
William Green 293
Harold Hale 294
Alfred Hall 296
Leslie Hamilton 297
L.T. Hammond 298
John Harris 299
Arthur Haynes 300
Curtis Hill 300
Lonnie Jackson 302
Zedell Jackson 303
Willie James 303
Isaac Johnson 305
Woodrow Wilson Jones 307
Carl Kimmons 308
William Knight 314
Richard Lucas 315
George Washington Lytle 316
Sammie Major 317
Elvin Mayo 318
Hosey Mays 319
Edward McNair 321
Bert Minor 323
Eugene Mosley, Jr. 324
R.D. Mosley 325
William Murray 326
Edward Neely 329
Killraine Newton 330
Claude Palmer, Jr. 332
Walter Patrick 333
Roscoe Pennington 337
William Perry 338
John Phillips 340
Paul Ragland 340
Charles Richardson 342
Anderson Royal 343
Albert Rozar 351
Leonard Rozar 352
Harry Senior 354
Spaulding Settle 354
Mason Smith 355
Albert Soles 357
Jake Spurlock 359
Jim Stallings 360
Lacey Stevenson 361
Ezell “Tommy” Strong 362
O’Neal Thaxton 362
Hadwick Thompson 363
Otha Toler 364
Magnus Wade 366
Sam Wallace 368
Strauther Wallace 373
James Washington 373
Rufus Weaver 374
Carl White 378
John Wesley Whitehead 379
Walter Wilson 380
Appendix A. The Steward Rating System, 1939–1974 383
Appendix B. Black Submarine Stewards Killed or Lost During World War II 385
Appendix C. Top Stewards During World War II by Number of War Patrols 388
Appendix D. Black Stewards of World War II 392
Bibliography 467
Published Works 467
Internet Sources 469
Unpublished Personal Manuscripts, Documents, and Letters 469
Unpublished Government Documents, Citations, and Commendations 470
Personal Accounts 470
National Archives Source Material 473
Index 475
Book Reviews & Awards
“recommended”—ARBA; “impressive and impeccably researched”—Midwest Book Review; “Knoblock does an excellent job tracing the rapid evolution of the role of Black sailors in the submarine service”—The Northern Mariner/Le Marin du Word.