Army Combat Medics in the Vietnam War

Nine Personal Accounts


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About the Book

In this book, nine U.S. Army combat medics share their experiences during the Vietnam War, in their own words. Their accounts relate why they joined the Army during wartime and why they became medics, alongside minute-by-minute, gut-wrenching recollections of caring for the wounded and dead under fire. They also reflect the long-term effects that the war had on the medics and their families.

About the Author(s)

Harry Spiller is the author of 18 books and numerous magazine articles. He served for 10 years in the U.S. Marine Corps with two tours in Vietnam. He also served as sheriff of Williamson County, Illinois, and retired as an associate professor of criminal justice from John A. Logan College. He lives in Marion, Illinois.

Bibliographic Details

Harry Spiller
Format: softcover (6 x 9)
Pages: 185
Bibliographic Info: 64 photos, appendices, index
Copyright Date: 2024
pISBN: 978-1-4766-9425-2
eISBN: 978-1-4766-5206-1
Imprint: McFarland

Table of Contents

Author’s Note v
Acknowledgments viii
Introduction 1
One. ­SP-5 Michael Guadagno, Quang Nai Province, 1968–69 5
Two. SP-5 Richard Pastor, Long Thanh North, 1969–71 18
Three. SP-5 Raydon E. Hubbard, Pleiku, An Khe, 1969–70 28
Four. SP-4 Leo Flory, I–Corps Area North and West of Hue, 1968–69 71
Five. SP-5 William “Neil” Keddie, Jr., Camp Eagle, I Corps, 1969–70 106
Six. SP-4 Dwayne Williams, Phu Bai, 1970–71 120
Seven. SP-5 James E. Barnes, Dak To, 1967–68 126
Eight. SP-5 John M. Maag, Dak To, Pleiku, 1967–68 136
Nine. Staff Sergeant Alfred Penn Davidson, Pleiku, January 1969–December 1969 150
Appendix A: In Memory 167
Appendix B: Vietnam Facts and Statistics 170
Index 173