

An Indexed and Partially Annotated Bibliography of Over 4300 Scholarly Books and Articles Since the 7th Century B.C.

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About the Book

In the 1990s alone, more than 400 works on angels were published, adding to an already burgeoning genre. Throughout the centuries angels have been featured in, among others, theological works on scripture; studies in comparative religions; works on art, architecture and music; philological studies; philosophical, sociological, anthropological, archeological and psychological works; and even a psychoanalytical study of the implications that our understanding of angels has for our understanding of sexual differences.
This bibliography lists 4,355 works alphabetically by author. Each entry contains a source for the reference, often a Library of Congress call number followed by the name of a university that holds the work. More than 750 of the entries are annotated. Extensive indexes to names, subjects and centuries provide further utility.

About the Author(s)

George J. Marshall is chairman of the Philosophy Department at Campion College, University of Regina, where he has taught for nearly 30 years. He lives in Regina, Saskatchewan.

Bibliographic Details

George J. Marshall
Format: softcover (7 x 10)
Pages: 485
Bibliographic Info: indexes
Copyright Date: 2008 [1999]
pISBN: 978-0-7864-3749-8
eISBN: 978-1-4766-0958-4
Imprint: McFarland

Table of Contents

Preface      1
The Bibliography      3
Index      435

Book Reviews & Awards

“the 4,000 entries display a great diversity…. This excellent bibliography is superior to [the competition]…will be of great use”—Choice; “thorough and well written, providing a clear guide. Recommended”—Library Journal; “this index cannot be esteemed enough…no futher study on the angels can be done without consulting this work”—sapíentía crucís; “works on scripture, studies in comparative religions, dogmatic studies, historical studies, works on art, architecture and music, philological and literary investigations, and philosophical, sociological, anthropological, archaeological and psychological works”—Theology Digest; “McFarland has published a serious study of a very trendy subject…provides access to a side of this topic lost in the recent surge of popular interest…a useful tool”—Against the Grain; “the number of entries and amount of indexing…are impressive”—ARBA; “Marshall has compiled an impressive list”—Catholic Library World.