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Each McFarland book is copyrighted in the name of the author (with a few categorical exceptions). All rights are controlled by McFarland, so please direct any subsidiary rights inquiries or permission requests directly to McFarland.
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If you are interested in reusing something from a McFarland book and reprinting in a periodical, book, website or other medium, please contact McFarland to obtain permission. Please include the author and title of the book, the number of pages or word count, and information about where the excerpt will appear. Contact:
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Author and title information, bibliographic data, book descriptions and book cover images from the McFarland online catalog may be freely reproduced, both in electronic format and in hardcopy. The information may not be edited or altered in a way which changes the intent of the information. For any other use, including the use of the entire catalog, please contact:
Kim Hadley
Director of Operations