Nelson Algren

His Life, Work and Colleagues

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About the Book

This book addresses critical gaps in existing biographies of Nelson Algren, providing new perspectives on his writing style by delving into lesser-known facets of his work. It also re-contextualizes well-known narratives about Algren by examining both his literary contributions and his personal life, specifically his relationship with Simone de Beauvoir. While it is widely acknowledged that Beauvoir maintained a simultaneous relationship with philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre, this book sheds new light on her “transatlantic love affair” with Algren. By analyzing the correspondence exchanged between Beauvoir, Algren, and Sartre, the author uncovers the intricate dynamics at play.
Furthermore, this work challenges the assertion that Algren’s writing aligns seamlessly with the “New Journalism” style popularized by Tom Wolfe. It investigates how Algren’s literary legacy might have diverged had he embraced more of the principles associated with New Journalism. The book also features chapters on Algren’s scholarly colleagues—individuals not immediately linked to him—offering a comprehensive exploration of previously unstudied aspects of Algren’s life.

About the Author(s)

Richard F. Bales is semi-retired after working more than 40 years in the real estate title insurance profession. He lives in Aurora, Illinois.

Bibliographic Details

Richard F. Bales
Foreword by Sue Rutsen
Format: softcover (6 x 9)
Bibliographic Info: ca. 45 photos, notes, bibliography, index
Copyright Date: 2024
pISBN: 978-1-4766-9490-0
eISBN: 978-1-4766-5471-3
Imprint: McFarland

Book Reviews & Awards

• “Nelson Algren: His Life, Work and Colleagues is not standard biography in the usual sense. The common milestones in the life and times of Chicago’s literary troubadour of the gritty streets, back alleys and its gin-soaked saloon literati are familiar. Dick Bales’ remarkable new volume of critical essays, however, has given to us something totally new and powerful to ponder. Mr. Bales’ deepest meditations paint a vivid and moody portrait of the ‘Bucktown’ poet and novelist. The topics are wide ranging and all encompassing: Algren and McCarthyism; Algren and the fight against censorship; Algren’s tumultuous love affair with French existentialist Simone de Beauvoir; and Algren and Mike Royko, two world-weary Chicago cynics sharing a barstool, beers and sad reflections.”—Richard C. Lindberg, author of Tales of Forgotten Chicago

• “Richard Bales’ new book on Algren is a researcher’s delight. His comparison of Beauvoir’s letters to Sartre when she was with Algren is illuminating, as is his work on the New Journalism and Algren’s inability to ‘soldier on’ with fiction that he felt was not wanted. A fine addition to the scholarship on Algren.”—Bettina Drew, author of Nelson Algren: A Life on the Wild Side