The Northrop Frye Handbook

A Biographical and Bibliographic Guide


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About the Book

Canadian literary theorist Northrop Frye reshaped literary studies with his 1957 book Anatomy of Criticism. During his long career, Frye earned widespread recognition and honors for his contributions to cultural and social critique.
This biographical and bibliographic guide to Frye and his work includes a chronology of his life and writings, a catalog of primary and secondary materials, a list of conferences devoted to him, annotations in books in his personal library, his honorary degrees, dissertations under his direction, the application of his criticism in other disciplines, and his role in the Bodley Club as an Oxford student. Lists of books and journals dedicated to his work and of the volumes in his Collected Works complete this exhaustive compilation on one of the most influential literary critics of the 20th century.

About the Author(s)

Robert D. Denham is John P. Fishwick Professor of English Emeritus at Roanoke College in Salem, Virginia. He has also taught at Emory & Henry College, after which he served as Director of English Programs and Director of the Association of Departments of English for the Modern Language Association. He has written and edited more than twenty-five volumes on Frye.

Bibliographic Details

Robert D. Denham
Format: softcover (7 x 10)
Pages: 334
Bibliographic Info: 14 photos, index
Copyright Date: 2012
pISBN: 978-0-7864-6370-1
Imprint: McFarland

Table of Contents

Preface      1

Abbreviations and Shortened Forms      3

1. A Frye Chronology, Including a Bibliography of His Writings      5

2. Frye’s Books: Editions and Translations      90

3. The Collected Works of Northrop Frye, with a List of Reviews      105

4. Conferences, Colloquia, Symposia, and Panels Devoted to Frye’s Work      118

5. Books and Journals Devoted to Frye, with a List of Reviews      122

6. Dissertations and Theses on Frye      135

7. A Bibliography of Secondary Sources since 1987      150

a. Essays and Parts of Books      150

b. Obituaries, Memorials, Tributes      240

c. News and Feature Stories and Miscellaneous Items      242

d. Biographical Notices and Articles      247

e. Reviews of Frye’s Books since 1987      249

8. The Northrop Frye Papers at Victoria College      258

9. Annotations in the Books in Frye’s Personal Library      260

10. Ph.D. Theses Supervised by Frye      271

11. Honorary Degrees Awarded to Frye      274

12. Making Literature Out of Frye      275

13. Frye and the Bodley Club      283

14. Interdisciplinary Connections      287

Index      299

Book Reviews & Awards

“essential…highly recommended”—Choice; “provides researchers with a comprehensive listing of events, publications, and secondary source materials relating to the father of modern literary criticism”—SciTech Book News.