The Espionage Filmography

United States Releases, 1898 through 1999


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About the Book

From Sean Connery to Roy Rogers, from comedy to political satire, films that include espionage as a plot device run the gamut of actors and styles. More than just “spy movies,” espionage films have evolved over the history of cinema and American culture, from stereotypical foreign spy themes, to patriotic star features, to the Cold War plotlines of the sixties, and most recently to the sexy, slick films of the nineties.
This filmography comprehensively catalogs movies involving elements of espionage. Each entry includes release date, running time, alternate titles, cast and crew, a brief synopsis, and commentary. An introduction analyzes the development of these films and their reflection of the changing culture that spawned them.

About the Author(s)

Freelance writer Paul Mavis has contributed articles to such cinema publications as The Viewsletter and American Movie Classics Magazine. He has also served as the film historian for the Toledo Museum of Art. He lives in Maumee, Ohio.

Bibliographic Details

Paul Mavis
Format: softcover (8.5 x 11)
Pages: 470
Bibliographic Info: 67 photos, bibliography, indexes
Copyright Date: 2011 [2001]
pISBN: 978-0-7864-4915-6
eISBN: 978-1-4766-0427-5
Imprint: McFarland

Table of Contents

Acknowledgments      vi

Preface      viii

Introduction      1


Bibliography      355

Cast Index      357

Crew Index      427

Book Reviews & Awards

“recommended”—Booklist; “thoughtful introduction…ambitious indexes…recommended”—ARBA; “a monster of a book”—Classic Images; “exhaustive”—Big Reel; “impressive…as complete as one can get. Great fun”—Film Review; “marvelous and extremely detailed”—Communication Booknotes Quarterly; “comprehensive”—The Cryptogram; “film, nostalgia, and espionage buffs will enjoy”—Cryptologia; “massively detailed”—Burlington County Times.